♥︎ 13 ♥︎

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Soft, high pitched laughter fills my head. I wince, bringing a hand up to my eyes.

"What?" I ask, my eyes locked on the cloud of sprites hanging over my head. The sprites laugh again, and my pounding head protests.

Your husband doesn't seem to like us all that much. Are you sure you don't want to listen to him?

"What?" I gasp. Apollo's arm reaches around my shoulders. I pull away from him, turning to look at him. "This isn't a bargain. Tairsdoras are the most powerful things in all of Extier."

You are correct, but you have to both be unified in where you want to go since the capture was a joint effort. One can't leave the other or choose different locations. It must be unanimous.

I stumble back slightly, my legs giving out. Alright. We can get there on our own. 

"Love, are you alright?" Apollo questions, rubbing up and down my arm gently. Maybe he's been doing that the whole time, but my mind was too far away to notice it until now. And notice it I do. It's all I can think about, the back and forth, back and forth, back and forth.  "Princess?"

I look up at my husband, and inhale. "We can find another way."

Apollo freezes. "What are you talking about?"

"Another way to the Queen, we can manage that right? We've come this far already."

"Calla, what are you talking about? The Tairsdora is right here, waiting for us. Let's go."

"We have to be unanimous about where we go."

"Let's go to the Queen."

My mouth opens, surprised he's agreeing with me. Nevertheless, I stand, my resolve strengthening. "Take us to the Queen."

Seconds after my very princess-y demand, a swirling tornado forms before me. A rainbow of colors flash and spin before me and it certainly doesn't help with my headache. Lifting my chin, I step towards the door the sprites created for me.

"Calla, wait." Apollo stands, grabbing my wrist. I brace myself for an argument, but he just slips his hand into mine. "We don't know where that leads, or even what the Queen will do if we just show up outside her door. Whatever happens, we'll do it together. "

"Together. I like that." With that, I guide him forward and march through the door. My feet hit the snow, and I keep going. Right up the steps of the castle, and through the front door like I own the place.

"Calla, come on. Slow down." A smile fills my face, and I break into a jog.

"Hey!" Someone calls, and I ignore them. Apollo's footsteps echo beside me, and another set joins ours, but I push through the doors into what I'm assuming is the throne room. Sure enough, I find Queen Octavia sitting atop a throne.

"Where is she?" I spit, my hands curling into fists.

"Ah, Princess Calla. I was wondering when you would join us," she extolled, a small smirk playing on her lips. Her long white hair sits elegantly around her shoulders. Tilting my head, I narrow my eyes. She looks vaguely familiar. Her circlet rests on her brow, the white moon gleaming. Her dress has a breastplate bodice, making her look like she's preparing for war. "And Prince Apollo. I heard the two of you were married, my congratulations."

"You couldn't have known we were coming." I couldn't have seen her before, Scle's been separated from the mainland for longer than I've been alive.

She smirks, her fingers twirling around a crystal ball in her lap. "I know more than you think, Princess." She watches me for a few moments, and I stare defiantly back. "Who do you think sent the welcoming committee?" Her nails clack on her ball, and her smirk deepens.

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