Chapter 1.

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You woke up, it was a day like any other. You open your eyes to see dream standing in the doorway of your room. You asked him why he was there and how he got into your house, but he gave no reply, instead he started strooling to toward you.. It was always hard to tell how he felt because he wore a mask all the time.You asked him again what he wanted this time he responded,"Oh I just wanted to tell you that the server is up and running do what you want with it". "Ok thanks for that information but you didn't have to stand there. You scare me when you do that" you scolded. "Oh sorry". He said just before leaving the room. Almost immediately after he left you jumped out of bed and logged on to the new world.

After about 5 minutes it finally let you into the server and that's when you saw them. Tommyinit and Wilbur Soot Tommy and Will for short. "Hey boys' ' you shouted, Tommy turned around "We're not boys we're men' ' he shouted back defensively. You rebutled back "Uhh last time I checked.I'm 23 Will is 26 and you are 18 so...". "Anyway...what are you 2 doin?" You attempt to change conversation and as always it works. "We're thinking of a name for the country we're going to build"Will says with a sort of excitement you would find in a child opening presents on christmas morning you thought it was cute how he could get excited over the littlest things.You snapped out of your trance after realizing that you've been staring.

"Any ideas so fat?" you asked. "Well yes we were thinking about calling it 'L'manburg'"Will answered. "What do you think?" Tommy chimes in. yes I do its perfect, you agree."We came up with a flag too" Tommy adds with the same amount of excitement as Will. "Can I see it?" you asked eagerly.Will pulled up a picture(shown below)

of the flag.

"I like it!" you said

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"I like it!" you said. Just then you saw a yellow line of text pop up in the bottom left corner of your screen, Dream joined the game then you heard a discord chime he just joined vc. "Hey Y/n" he greeted you but something seemed wrong. "Yeah?" you answered. "Could you join a separate vc?You and I need to have a little chat". You replied "Ok..?" When Dream said that it sent a chill down your spine"I'll be back in a bit boys" you reassured. Then you left with Dream.

"What do you need Dream?" You asked nervously. '"I want you to soil their plans and work by my side". "No!" You answered . "No?" he sounded surprised by your answer. "You heard me," you said. "So you want to work against me even though it means your lives are at risk? You only have 3 before you canonically die, you know that right?" he says. "I. Do. Not. Care." and on that note you left and rejoined the other VC with Tommy and Willbur.

"I'm back, and I have some bad news.Dream is pissed about L'manburg. So if you all still want to go through with this we need to meet up somewhere IRL and talk about our plans.". WIll spoke up "You and I can meet up at my house." "Ok but what about Tommy?" you ask. "I don't want to go, you guys can catch me up later." Tommy replies. "Ok then" you muttered "See you tomorrow" Will says. Then you log off and flop lazily onto your bed. "What a day" you groaned then you fell asleep.

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