The Lamp

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Once upon a time, in the desert, people gathered to dig a well in the sands. As soon as they thrust their spades, something metal made up a jingle. One man thrust his hands into the yellow sand, rummaged a little, and then he took out a beautiful lamp.

"A genie lives in the lamp! He can fulfill three wishes!" everyone cried out, and they tried to take the lamp away from the man. But the man was quick: taking his find away from somebody else's hands, he took to his heels.

The crowd of the people and the man ran all over the desert for a long while, but eventually the chasers perspired in the scorching sun, got tired, paused and then they left chasing. The man hid over a high barkhan and fell to thinking. "What would I ask the genie to do for me? Well, to begin with, let him make me beautiful like a Turkish prince. Next, rich like an Arabian sheikh, and finally... Married to a most beautiful girl in the world!" He began rubbing the lamp and calling the genie.

He was rubbing for 5 minutes—nothing happened. 10 minute more—with no result. He was rubbing for an hour—the genie did not get out of the lamp, only an odd inscription got visible on the side of the lamp. The man could not read the unknown letters by himself, and after a short while of thinking, he went to apply to a wise old man.

Coming to the wise old man, he showed the lamp and asked to read the inscription. The old man spent some time trying to read the inscription, and then he said that the words could not be interpreted but they should be read as they were.

"What's that?" asked the man, after the weird words were pronounced.

"I don't know," said the old man, "It well may be a name of the genie, and with the aid of the name one can invoke the genie."

"Well then... I'll do it," said the man.

Since then he walks with the lamp in hands, rubs its sides and reiterates: "Ikea. Made in Sweden! Ikea. Made in Sweden! Ikea. Made in Sweden!"

The End

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⏰ Last updated: May 09, 2015 ⏰

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