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Welcome to the Midnight Masquerade Halloween event!

There are two contests within this event. You may participate in both, or just one of the two, if you'd like:


In the Masquerade Ball part of the event, participants will compete in a profile competition. Each participant will dress-up their profile picture, banner, and bio as a character, celebrity, idol, monster, etc. Think of it like a costume party!

We have our Lumiere Theme Shop and our Relucir Bio Shop where participants can order from if they need assistance for this contest!


In the Masked Writer part of the event, participants can submit their fanfiction, horror, paranormal, vampire, or werewolf stories to be judged like awards. There will be prizes for the winners!

And as an extra bonus, we have another event where we will have a Halloween prompt that you can write about separately if you'd like. Details will be given in the following chapters, so go through them below!

Midnight Masquerade | HALLOWEEN EVENT [ CLOSED ]Where stories live. Discover now