☁️ Lazy Saturday (Any Male Character x Reader)

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"Honey, get up."

Your words were met with a muffled 'hrrrn' as you sat on the bed by your slumbering husband. It was a quiet Saturday afternoon and you both planned to spend the day watching films on the couch. If he decided to get out of bed, that is.

You brushed your fingers gently through his hair, trying to tame some of the rogue strands declaring independence from the rest. His face was buried in the pillow he had his arms under and you felt his head shift as he turned to look at you, one eye open to drowsily peek at you. Sleepiness was an adorable look on him and it moved you to bend down and peck his cheek.

"Come on, sleepyhead, get out of bed," you whispered right by his ear. "It's already 1 pm."

He let out another groan, deciding to completely turn away from you and shuffle to the other side of the bed. The small display of rebellion made you laugh. Taking the covers in your hands, you climbed inside - the warm sheets were better than the frigid bedroom air anyway.

"Where do you think you're going?" You moved towards the sturdy back and wrapped your arms around his middle. "Huh, loverboy?"

He grabbed your arms and wrapped his own around them, hugging them impossibly closer to his being.

"Just stay here with me," he whispered. His words sounded smoother with the sleepy rasp that accompanied them. You closed your eyes as you exhaled the breath you were unknowingly holding, resting your forehead against his back.

"Okay," you whispered back. At your acceptance, your husband turned around in your arms and pulled you into his chest, his chin lovingly resting against the top of your head while doing so.

With that, you settled into the warm embrace and let out a yawn, which he unwillingly caught and copied. The both of you lied in bed for another hour or so, before the rumbling of his stomach was too much too bear and he begrudgingly left the comfort of your arms - much to your amusement. At least now you could begin the movie marathon you both planned for the day.

Batfamily x Reader OneshotsWhere stories live. Discover now