Don't Let Others Define You.

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One of my favorite quotes is from Tao Te Ching: 

"Care about what other people think and you will always be their prisoner." -Lao Tzu

It reminds me that waiting on others to see your value is putting your worth in someone else's hands. You're better than that. No one should be the judge of you when all they see are bits and pieces of the whole picture. No one can experience the world through your eyes, or understand how you've struggled. And honestly, everyone looking in will view you through the lens of their preference, cultures, and learned biases. How they see you rarely reflects on who you are, but always reflects on them and how they perceive the world. 

You are amazing. Right now. As you are. You are incredible.
You're doing so well and I'm proud of you. I would love to see you embrace yourself for who you are and live unashamedly as your true self. The only opinions that should matter are your own (but NOT that dark inner voice that points out all your flaws and failures, that one can go to Hell). 
And while it's always great to feel seen and validated, how others see you do not define you. You are more than they will ever comprehend. 
Now go slay! 

What is something you did recently that you're proud of? 

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What is something you did recently that you're proud of? 

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