Lost a bet (Twilight/Loid x Female reader)

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TW: Fluff and comedy

Request: "Imagine losing a bet with Franky then you have to go tell Loid that you're in love with him. Love Anon"

Answer: "Hmm a bet with Franky you say??? Sounds so like him though ngl. I wrote the reader as female btw, and since it wasn't asked how to write this request, I'm just going to wing it and see what I came up with. BTW, this was quite long to write. Thank you for your love Anon, and hope you enjoy!"




"You have to tell him!"

"No! I refuse!"

"You lost the bet y/n!?"

"I know!"

"Then what's wrong with telling Loid you like him!?"

"I won't do it!"


"I won't! You can't make me!"

"Well, I just did!?"



It was 2 hours since there was a bet made between you and Franky. You two were playing a game of rock, paper, scissors, a game of connect 4 and lastly, a race against time which was a game of completing a crossword puzzle against one another.

Sadly, the only game you won was a game of connect 4, the other two was Franky's win.

If you won, you wanted Franky to stop trying to date anyone for the next 2 months.

If Franky won, he wanted you to confess your love to Loid/Twilight.

It would seem that you now must fulfill Franky's dare...

You had no idea what you were going to do, you were scared to get rejected by Twilight, knowing full well that Agents were not allowed to date one another unless it is for a mission. And if you remembered right, 'Loid' already had a 'wife'. It was Yor.

"Franky... I don't know if this is a good idea..."

"Trust me y/n! This outfit will make Twilight give you a double take"

"Still! That doesn't mean we had to go for- For this o-outfit!?"

Franky had an idea, a really bad idea. His idea was to give you a beautiful dress which... can make a lot of people turn their heads. It also just so happens that you had an upcoming mission, which was to infiltrate an enemy at a ballroom. You were paired up with Twilight for that mission.

So, in a way... It wasn't that bad, but you didn't want to stand out. That's why being a spy is to blend in, not stand out. However, Franky was too focused on giving you an amazing outfit to make Twilight fall for you. Speak of the devil. Twilight was on his way to make a set of instructions for how the night would run and what was going to happen and what were the jobs given to both you and Franky.


"Hello Agent Franklin, you too, Agent y/n"

"Hey Twilight"

"H-Hello Sir Twilight"

"Tomorrow night's mission is to track down an enemy, as well as stopping a certain party crasher, this is our plan"

As Twilight gave out the plan to both Franky and you, you were starting to feel scared, the idea of your confession might end up being backfired, moreover, it was worse, the fact that the mission had to go well.

The only hope that you had left within your soul was Franky silently giving you a thumbs up for everything...


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