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15 January 2015Monday18:10

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15 January 2015

"Snow baby,can I come in?"Alyssa questioned as she knocked on her second oldest daughter's room.

"Yes."Snow answered back.

"Winter's boyfriend just arrived."Lyssa said leaning on the door frame after opening the door.

"Did you see him yet?"Snow asked walking up to her mother.

"No,I heard the car,they probly in the house now."Lyssa answered as they walked side bye side.

"Mommy,this is Daylyn my boyfriend and his mother Tasha."Winter introduced trying to sound cute knowing she was loud and hood.

"Well hi,it's nice to finally meet you guys,I'm Alyssa."Alyssa said hugging them.

"These are my other two daughters Snow and Reign."Lyssa introduced.

"Nice to meet you guys."Tasha said hugging them.

"Nice to meet you too."Winter and Reign said in unison.

"Damn girl,who you tryna seduce?" Tasha joked due to the fact Snow's voice sounded seductive,feminine and strong.

"You."Snow answered back jokingly.

"Girll go on."Reign said laughing.

"Okay,why don't you guys sit down while we dish."Alyssa suggested trying to move on knowing Snow might've not been joking.

Snow had a few problems that caused her to act crazy and also what caused her voice to sound the way it does.

"Reign sit next to me baby."Snow said sitting down.

"I'm-I'm sorry,you call your sister baby?"Daylyn said judgementaly.

"Do you have a problem?"Snow questioned leaning forward as she had a sinister smile plastered on her face.

"N-n-no."Daylyn stuttered as he shifted uncomfortably.

"Okay then."Snow said leaning back in her chair.

"Miss T,do you by any chance have anymore sons?"Reign asked Tasha innocently.

"Oh lord,I do,when you come visit me, you will see them,them boys never wanna go with me no where."Tasha said shaking her head.

"That's why I'm the favourite right?" Daylyn questioned smiling proudly.

"Sure."Tasha said fake smiling causing Reign to bust out laughing while Snow let out a chuckle.

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