New job, new surprise

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After staring at the phone for ever, pacing around, trying to build up the courage to make a call, Y/N finnaly did it..
He now had a job interview in a few hours and needed to make sure he didn't mess it up. "Okay, be ready.." Y/N felt his heart pounding, Y/N having to take a few deep breaths. What do I wanna do for a living?
Get a lover, and whatever...why do I see this job suitable for me? Because.. because I..
Money. Y/N was thinking of how it was going to play out, trying to think of smart responses to their dumb unnecessary questions. Playing a small scenario in his head to try and be ready.
What Y/N imagined was a man in a suit, sitting in a room with only a lamp as a light source. Y/N sitting in a skinny silver chair, as the man was looking very serious wearing old man glasses.

Y/N sighed to himself, feeling like he was overthinking this too much.
It's gonna be fine. Everything is gonna be okay. Sure you don't always get the job you want like back at home..but you still have a chance!! Think...positive. Y/N took a deep breath in then a deep breath out deciding he should start and get ready for the interview.
Y/N checked his watch before making his way out for the interview.
The job position he was going for was to be an assistant for the high manger, boss kinda thing. Could do stuff for people, he feels like he's good at that, pleasing people.

On his way there he made sure he looked presentable, checking his smell and his breath. Making sure nothing is on his teeth
or gums. Interviews..hate em. Y/N then was met with a tall building, where he needed to be. He parked on the side of the road, not sure if he was allowed to do that but didn't see any signs telling him no.
Alrighty..time to get this over with..
Y/N got out of his car shutting the door and then after, fixing his tie.
He walked his way to the building feeling the sun shining off it. God it is hot..
Y/N walked inside and seen a lady sitting at a big desk with computers and pack of papers. Y/N walked his way to her, the lady taking no notice until Y/N made a small cough sound. "Are you here for a appointment, sir?" She asked, looking up from her computer. "Y-yes. Here for my interview today." Y/N slightly stuttered, feeling quiet sweaty. "Alright. Let me just.."
The lady didn't finish her sentence, her voice fading off as she started typing into her computer. "Name?" She asked making a glance to him. "..Y/N- Y/N, L/N." He took a second to answer, slightly dazing off.
Focus damnit.

"Alright, go to floor 4 go to Mr. H's office and you'll be at your desensitization. Have a good day." The lady then gave a weak smile before it dropping off her face looking back down. "Thank you." Y/N gave a small nod then walked his way the elevator. 
Bit after he heard a small ding as he pressed a button then another ding when the elevator doors opened. He stepped inside, waiting a few seconds before they closed and quite annoying music started to play. "Ugh.." Y/N let out a small groan of annoyance. "Is something wrong?" He heard a voice say giving him a fright.
He jumped and looked to where the voice was coming from.
A small screen high and mighty in the wall had a pixel like face on it staring it's lifeless eyes at Y/N. Y/N took a moment to respond. "" he then took a step back from it, seeing it as creepy. "Well, I felt something was wrong when you said Ugh..."
The screen spoke, mimicking Y/Ns groan.
Y/N let out a small uncomfortable laugh.
" it's fine." Y/N shook his head not wanting to have any more of a conversation with the screen.
"Alright, but if you need to talk speak with the Care hound." The screen smiled to him
happily. Y/N nodded slowly knowing he was never going to do that. "Alright..I'll keep that in mind..?" Right when Y/N was done talking he heard the elevator doors open and light shining through. He then walked out being met with more people, most pretty short and some average height..
All doing their own thing, being on a computer or printing papers. Some have a conversation and laughing randomly while having that small cup filled with water in their hand. Y/N felt quite anxious, all these new people he didn't know one, and he didn't know where Mr. H's office was.
He then walked up to someone getting a drink of water also standing next to someone else "uhm..hey. do you know where Mr.H's office is?" Y/N asked politely, his hands by his sides. "Hm..oh yeah, he's right over there." The worker said nicely
before talking again "you new here?" They asked curious. "Uhm..kinda. I'm here for my interview today." Y/N gave a small smile
to them. "Ohh! Good luck with that, Mr. H is a tough one, serious man if I do say."
The worker said taking another drink of their water. "Oh..really?" Y/N felt nervous, more nervous then before. "Mhm..I got lucky I even got my job here." The other one said but then continued to say "but, don't worry. You still have a small chance." They laughed and Y/N awkwardly laughed back. "Alright then..thanks." Y/N thanked them before walking off to Mr.H's office feeling like everyone was staring at him.

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