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Nobody pov

When Austin came to he was in a car with a gun to his head and told to keep quiet

His arms had so many cuts some of them bleeding from how hard he was scratching at his skin

He had to find some way to calm down but he couldn't, he felt like he was being dunked underwater and couldn't get back up to the surface

He couldn't stop hyperventilating and his body ached all over not to mention the gun at his head

He was soon yanked up by his already bruised arm and taken out of the car into a big building, "We're gonna see the boss now so shut your mouth and keep still got it?" The man's tone was cold and harsh making it clearly obvious Austin wasn't welcomed

Austin couldn't stop the tears from falling down his face anymore biting his lip so hard it bled, who the hell is the boss?! What is he gonna do to him? Is he gonna die?????

The hard smack to his face knocked him off balance hitting his head on the floor,"I asked you a damn question, now get the hell up!"

Austin pov

I think he was yelling at me again but I was more concerned with the black dots appearing in my vision

My ears felt like they were ringing and I felt something warm on the back of my head, it might've been blood but I couldn't really care


Who is that?

He sounds mad

Hope it wasn't me....

"Hey don't fall asleep buddy just wajt for the doctor to get here"

I felt my body get picked up and set somewhere soft while more background talk was going on

A while later a man,who I'm assuming was the doctor,started to wrap my head and shine a light in my face,"He's got a small concussion but I'm mostly concerned when the last time he drank or ate anything"

Hmmmm that's a good question, when was the last time I did that? Can't remember....

"Well keep him up for about another hour and get him to eat, I'll come check on him in the morning"

"Thank you Fredrick have a goodnight"

I heard a door close then a sigh as I started drifting to sleep once again,"no no no buddy wake up,someone get him something to eat and some new clothes to wear"

I then hear a whole group of people respond "Right away sir!" And then the sound of a bunch of shoes walk away in different directions

"Stacy get him into a guest room,Cliff my office now"

I felt his warmth leave me making me open my eyes a slight, seeing a blury figure to then be hoisted up and finally pass out all the way

Small shakes were given to my shoulders as I finally came too again hearing way too much shouting,"WHEN THE HELL DID HE FALL ASLEEP?!?"

"I-I don't k-know si-r I-"

"-Someone please remove her"

I heard more people saying 'yes sir' and some footsteps along with crying, then I felt more shaking on my shoulder making my eyes open,"there you are, gave me a scare buddy...how are you feeling?" I look over to the man from early and GOD DAMN he was fine, brown hair,nice chocolate eye, and the gentle smile he gave me made my heart speed up a bit

I nodded as a reply noticing the handcuffs were gone and that I was in a different room, another man in a nurse outfit came and started to bandage my cut up arms as the guy from earlier watched me look around

I sat up only to wince at the pain in my head,"lay back down darling you have a concussion" I did as I was told and the nurse left us,"do you have a name? I would love to hear your voice" a small hue came to my face at the tone,"....a-austin is my name...um w-where am I?.."

"Such a pretty name, you're at my facility and will soon be moved to my home, my name is Benji and you are now my property"

YAYYTYYYYYYYY i wrote something 😌 hope.you enjoyed this chapter and expect more updates soon........

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