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219 reads and 12 votes... merlin's socks...

oh btw some stuff abt raven is revealed here, might wanna read this. also a lot of you skipped the prologue, don't! the storyline is based on that chapter.


Raven's POV

It was like, what, 2AM? And Raven was still wandering around the castle.

She thought of first year, when she thought no one would be her friend because of her last name.

Turns out, that wasn't true.

First year, January, Slytherin Table

"Sienna... what is a fuck?" Raven asked, since Sienna knew more about mature subjects.

Sienna choked on her pumpkin juice, "Excuse me?"

"What is a fuck?" Mattheo joined in, interested.

"Well, umm... you know that one subject?" Sienna started unsurely.

"The... the S Word?" Raven whispered.

"Yes. That's what 'fuck' means." Sienna replied awkwardly.

"FUCK!" Raven yelled loudly.

"Ayo, Little Grindelwald learnt some new words." Adrian Pucey snickered to his friends.

"Language, Miss Grindelwald." Snape snapped from behind her.

"Professor, who did you fu−" Mattheo covered Raven's mouth with his hand.

"Hehe... her ADHD is kicking in." Mattheo chuckled.

"It's not right now!"

Raven had slight ADHD, but not much. She would be very hyper oftenly, and get distracted, and get angry. But Madam Pomfrey gave her pills to calm her down.

"Yes it is. Shut up."

Raven continued walking around, breathing in the smell of cologne.

Wait, what? The only person who stinks like is...

"Ave! What a surprise." Chase smirked viciously.

Raven rolled her eyes in a boring manner, "What a surprise indeed. Could smell your stinky ass from a mile away."

"Why not run away?" Chase whispered, coming closer.

Nah, this shit ain't gonna happen.

"Don't feel like. You're not that scary anyway." Raven shrugged, picking her nails.

"Really?" Chase pulled out a dagger.

This bitch doesn't know a thing about me, it's almost laughable.


He lifted the sharp blade towards Raven's neck. "I could end your life within seconds."

"Last time you tried that I lived." Raven chuckled.

Suddenly Ave felt the cold metal against her throat. Chase pressed it harder, that a little tiny cut was formed.

"Not this time." He said in a lowered voice, "Antidotes and your boyfriend aren't gonna help you."

"Eh, I wouldn't count on that." Raven said.

"Kate already got a spot for your corpse ready."

"Well, Kate is a dumb horny bitch, so she's not really making a difference."

"What could possibly help you with this situation?"

Bricks. Raven was pressed against the wall, with a knife at her throat. Damn.

Get him. that growling, angry voice whispered.

"Nothing." Chase whispered, his hot breath against Raven's face.

Her heart was beating rapidly, if she would do it, it would mean Chase would know. Even her friends don't know about her biggest secret. Her dad, Gellert Grindelwald, does though. Well... dad? Sort of. Raven didn't exactly know why she was so young compared to her rather murderous father. Surviving the poison already made Chase doubt Raven and her human form. But he wouldn't say anything if she threatened him, right? She could just obliviate him. He wouldn't remember, but that would mean he'd try again to kill her, and if she obliviates Chase so many times after, his whole memory would be lost, like Lockhart.


"Actually..." Raven choked out since Chase was pressing his palm against her air pipe, "You wouldn't really know..."

She kicked him under his stomach, as he groaned in pain, his grip loosening, but still holding her. Raven gasped for air.

Now Chase was completely choking her, and there was one last card to play for the sake of her survival.

She felt for her wand, but Chase grabbed her arms harshly and locked them against the wall, completely blocking her for any normal chance of escaping.

Raven sighed mentally, feeling her chest tighten, her face get paler, her veins popping, and her eyes rolling to the back of her head.


fine, impatient bat.

Her sharp teeth glistened in the moonlight, as Chase let her go in shock and terror.

"This is why I lived. And if you try to kill me again, I'll finish your girlfriend." Raven threatened, pressing Chase against the wall the same way he did to her.

"Y-you're a vampire." He said, his voice breaking as he tried harder and harder every passing second not to fall out unconscious.

"By fuck I am." Ave whispered.

"That's impossible."

"There's an 'I'm possible' in that word." she hissed.

"Dumbledore knew?"

"He didn't. Luckily."


"Oh, she didn't either."

She let go of him.

"You always go into sunlight." He gasped.

"Hybrids, Chase, hybrids." The vampire replied sweetly.

I can do it myself.

let me take control, mortal.

Raven banged on a bubble that could only be seen by her and the vampire.

"Now, if you want to live, I'd shut up. if I find out you snitched..." the vampire got closer to Chase who shivered, stroking his jaw, "You're... dead." She whispered as his breath hitched. Giving a kiss to his neck, she finally disappeared into thin air.

damn. btw there's raven and that vampire controlling raven, k? 

like venom or sum shit

hope you liked it, bye!

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