Separate ways

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AN: Thank you for reading my stories. Please let me know how you like them.
Enjoy reading ☺️☺️

The message tone dings
'Khun Phi :
R u tired? Susu na'

He suppressed a smile but couldn't help his ears turning rapidly into a shade of pink.

His body was giving up. He wanted to leave the chaos and go back to the comfort of his bed. Every muscle in his body was aching. His legs couldn't bear his weight anymore. He would collapse any minute now.

"We are ready for you.", staff updated him.
But as soon as his staff saw him, he pitied Gulf.
Gulf looked completely exhausted even with the makeup on. Having such a hectic schedule was taking a toll on him.

" Do you need some more time?", the staff asked him worriedly.

Gulf could only shake his head. He didn't have energy to even say the words.

Gulf stood up taking a look at himself in the mirror of his dressing room. Checking on his makeup and hair.
'Just a little while more and then you can go home' he mentally encouraged him.

"I just got an update that the elevator area is too crowded.", another staff came in to appraise Gulf.
"If we go by that route, we will be delayed. Let's go from the fire exit." ,Staff suggested Gulf leading the way.

Gulf just nodded and followed him. Few more staff joined them. Two of them being his bodyguard and other two his stylists. The entourage was going down  to the 5th floor avoiding the crowd near the elevator.

Gulf was kind and would oblige to one and all.  Few of his fans on his way to a schedule meant another 15-20 minutes delay. Gulf could never deny any of his fan's wishes. Probably that is why he was so loved.

This was his last schedule of the day. He had already been to a photo shoot, script reading and a recording. Now all he wanted to do was finish the live and go home to rest. Did he have the energy to do the live event all by himself?
He missed having Mew with him at events like this. Working with his Khun Phi was so much easier. He would never get tired when he worked with Mew. Khun phi's smile, his touch, his hugs would always give Gulf enough strength. But now they had parted ways. Both were working separately and both had hectic schedule. He missed his Khun Phi.
He was wondering to himself, hastily climbing down the stairs when he bumped into his bodyguard

"I am sorry" he looked up and stopped.

" I had an event close by", his KhunPhi said, standing in front of him. Mew walked slowly  towards Gulf. Their sparkling eyes not leaving each other and lips curved into a thin smile.The staff as if on cue moved  away. Some to the floor below and some to the floor above to make sure that they had their privacy. They left Yai nong alone with his khun Phi.

"Are you tired?", Khun Phi asked pulling his Yai Nong into a hug. Gulf inhaled the scent of his KhunPhi, nuzzling into the crook of his neck.

Mew was rubbing Gulf's back softly.
"Hang in there darling. Just a little bit more. Susu." Mew spoke into Gulf's ear in a softest voice.
Gulf hummed closing his eyes lost in his Khun Phi's scent.
They both stayed like that in a comfortable silence. It was their way to recharge themselves. To relieve their exhaustion.

"Let's not keep your fans waiting. ", Mew broke the silence.
Gulf reluctantly pulled back, his hands still on Mew's broad shoulders and Mew's on Yai Nong's waist.

"Are you going home already? Have you finished? Were you waiting for me here?"Gulf enquired in a rather sore voice.  He indeed needed rest Mew thought.

"Yes I was waiting for you. In fact, it was me who told your staff to bring you here." Mew smiled.
"I am done for the day but I have an early schedule tomorrow. I am crashing at condo tonight "Mew smirked.

On hearing that Gulf's eyes went wide. He was grinning from ear to ear
"Really Phi?!", he squealed excitedly to which Mew nodded with an equally big grin
"It's been so long since we played together", Gulf said with full enthusiasm

Mew mentally facepalmed.
"I said I have an early schedule Tueng." Mew said rolling his eyes.

Gulf already moved down a few steps to proceed for his venue. He wanted to get it over faster now.

"Go ahead Phi. Wait for me at the condo. I will see you soon." Gulf said.

Mew laughed at Gulf's excitement.
The bodyguard and staff who had gone to the floor above hurried back to follow Gulf. The staff on the lower floor hastily tried to match Gulf's energy.
One of the staff asked the other," Wasn't he really tired a while ago. I almost thought we have to cancel or delay this schedule coz he wasn't even able to stand on his own. How come he is over enthusiastic now. How did his energy change so quickly?"

"It's the Sun effect" The other staff chuckled leaving the first one dumbfounded.

AN: This was a really short one. Nevertheless I would love to hear from you how you lie it. Please comment. ☺️☺️

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