Chapter : F I V E

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Max's POV

I woke up when Isabelle tried waking me with an air horn. She just laughed at me so hard and I just glared at her.

"Awwe ,Im sorry" She said

"your soo lucky that i did not freeze you"
I said "And what happened to your clothes?" I asked her , just being curious. Because she was wearing all black. Kinda like my style.

"This is what i really wear, its either Black or Diffrent dark colors." She replied to my question "Ohh and uhmm, breakfast is ready" She added and i just nodded , Then she went back upstairs.

I have a wierd feeling in my stomach when i talk to her, Maybe its just me.

I stand up from my bed and i went to the bathroom to take a quick shower.

Isabelle's POV

"Ugh" I groaned and snapped my fingers again and the kitchen was finally clean .

I turned Around facing the dining room and i saw Max eating.

"Do you mind if i sit here" I said gesturing at the seat beside him

"Yea, Sure" He said

as i sit down on the chair , I got my phone and i saw 1 unread messages

So i clicked the message from Jax Novoa, my Boyfriend.

From: Jax Novoa

"Hey Bella, your mom said that you've moved school? Cause i tried to visit you yesterday but you left early than the usual"

I texted i him back and said

To: Jax Novoa

Oh yea, sorry i havent told you cause i was so exhausted yesterday and im studying here at Hiddenville High.

And i sent it, I just smiled while looking at my phone

"Why are you smiling?" Max asked

"Ohhhh Nothing" I replied

"Its wierd cause Mom doesnt make a breakfast this delicious" He said while finishing his Smoothie

"Well that's because i made it" I said

He looked at me with dis belief, I stood up from my seat and i walk to the living room and Max followed me, i sat beside phoebe doing her home works.

"Phoebe, Do you need help?" I offered

"No thanks, i should probably be done in 15 minutes before my bestfriend go here" She said

"Do you want me to grab some coffee from starbucks instead" I asked

"Okay" Phoebe replied

So i stood up from my seat and i went to jack

"Lets grab some coffee " I said to jack

He just nodded, I ran back to the kitchen and got my keys from the counter top and i headed outside, I saw jack admiring at my Red Porsche car.

As soon as i got to the car I opened the door and went in.

"Stop drooling over my car and get in" I laughed

he got inside my car and i started the engine and drove to starbucks

the car was completely quiet until my phone rang

I asked Max if he can get my phone, and press the loud speaker. and i think jax is the one whos calling

He did what i told him to do and i heard a door close over the phone

J- Jax I- Isabelle

J: Hey babe

I: Hey Jax, Did you recieved my text?

J: Yea, Uhmmm My sister is just going to her friends house today and i'll drop her off. sooo maybe after i drop her off we could hang out.

I: Sorry Jax, maybe next time. I'm kinda busy today.

J: Its Alright, no prob. I probably should get going, Cherry is gonna kill me if she got late ,I Love You.

I: I love you too.

J: Okay, Bye.

And the call ended. Max placed my phone back in my purse ,Then i parked infront of starbucks and went inside to order.

As we get in line max spoke up.

"Soo who is jax?" He asked

"Oh he is my boyfriend" I replied

its our turn to order ,we have choose our drinks, i payed for it and we headed home.

A/N: Im actually a Filipina so if there are wrong grammars in this story please forgive me. Anyways Thanks for reading this story. I love you guys......

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