Happy 25th Birthday, Olaya!

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The date was October 1st, 2022. Let's see what's happening in Negi Root City today at the d'Aglior residence. After they finished talking to Pilar Penaranda (Happy School Sensation Miku) and Addie Brewer (Happy School Sensation Rin), Ciel and Soleil went back to the module info book.

Soleil: I feel like Tayler (Diamond Lily Gakupo) will be busy with his family, and Riko (Jugemu Sequencer) will be busy with her boyfriend.

Ciel: Yeah. But this Olaya (Recounting To Your Feelings) girl... She must be a new module.

Soleil: Let's talk to her.

They went back to the computer. Soleil invited Olaya to a chat. She accepted.

Ciel: You're a Luka module.

Recounting To Your Feelings: Yes. Who are you two?

Soleil: I'm Soleil, and this is my twin brother Ciel.

Recounting To Your Feelings: Nice to meet you. I suppose you're here to wish me a happy birthday too, right?

Ciel: We are.

Recounting To Your Feelings: Thank you. I'm turning 25. A quarter of a century old.

Soleil: Cool. So, what should we know about you?

Recounting To Your Feelings: Well, I live in an abandoned town here in Negi Root. And I make dresses for a living. I work in a dress shop in the Mirai Mall. I used to fold clothes at a store, but I decided to switch jobs.

Ciel: That's nice.

And so, Ciel, Soleil, and Olaya kept talking for a few more minutes until Olaya had to leave.

Judai: And that's it for this birthday one-shot. Happy birthday, Recounting To Your Feelings. I'll see you guys next time. Sayonara!

Recounting To Your Feelings' 25th BirthdayWhere stories live. Discover now