Dates, Flowers, and Sunsets<3

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(This is a big apology to people I have upset by lying and adding the grabber by surprise😔, I hope we can all get on good terms, even tho I don't mean this apology, and I start laughing each time one of you guys go "YOU SAID THERE WAS NO GRABBER!" anyway enjoy the chapter!!)

(The picture up ^ also has a meaning later! so just idk just think about it-)











*The next day* (12:48 pm)

'Bunch of fags + a material gowrl✨' (Credit to @yourfatherinpanties for the name! ty ily/p)

WalkingGoldenRetriver: Alright-
WalkingGoldenRetriver: who tf, changed the group name...

Robin!: Guessing this is why Gwen was so giggly when I woke up...

GrilBoss: Me? pfft, No I could never🤭

Batman!: But you could-

ActuallyNice!: I'm sorry Gwen but they're right🤗


Robin!: GOOD!

GrilBoss: ugh, fuck you Finney.

Robin!: Ily2 sissy wissy.

GrilBoss: Naw...I'm going to Suizies, fuck this shit.

Robin!: Gwen don't leave me here with these idiots please...

DefinitelyNice...: Yes, we're the idiots not you.

Robin!: oh-
Robin!: So, you agree?

Batman!: Finney, I love you but you're asking for him to beat you up.

Robin!: I'mma just focus on the 'I love you' part😊

ActuallyNice!: Wait- you guys are like a thing now?

DefinitelyNice...: They have been for a while Bruce, get up and focus-

ActuallyNice!: Well, you're beauty distracted me...

*System: ActuallyNice! deleted a chat*

AmyYamada: I saw that...
AmyYamada: 🤢

ActuallyNice!: AMY?!

Robin!: Well, hello there other Yamada.

AmyYamada: Ello Finney!
AmyYamada: Anyways-

*AmyYamada changed their name to mybrotherwasthe4thvictim*

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