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Quick A/N Thank you for all of the support, it means alot <3 and i have no clue what happened kathrien or pix so tell me ways i can ways i can include them and like what ships do u guys want to see?Jimmy Had picked Scott up and brought him to the closest bedroom (which is Jimmy lmao), Jimmy lad Scott down on the mint green cotton sheets. "I need to call Gem" Lizzie said looking at the scene, Just then the door opened and Gem, Fwhip (holding sausages hand obvs), Sausage, Joey with a bloody face, Pearl, and Shubble. 

"OMG Gem I was just about to call you cause one of Scott's wings is broken, the other one has been stabbed, Scott's brother Scar came with his friends Grain and Mumbo and Joel just got back." Lizzie said, reporting back to her, "Where is Scot?!" Gem said worriedly, before Lizzie could respond Jimmy came yelling and crying, "I-I ca-can't find a-a pu-pul- pulse" Gem ran into the room that Jimmy came out of...

There he was Scott Smajor lifeless body laying on the bed that was covered in blood, Next to him stood his best friend since they were kids, Katherine, 

"Gem it wasn't his time, it's unfair" Katherine said between the tears, Gem look at her, she started to walk over to her, She pulled her into a hug looking at scott's lifeless body as a tear rolled down her cheek as she said "I know, I know honey", in the background all they could heard was Jimmy sobbing at the death of his dear boyfriend who didn't do anything to deserve this, Sausage started to cry into Fwhip's shoulder with the pain of knowing he will never make it up to scott and knowing all that shit he put Scott through.

•\•\Five months later/•/•

Jimmy had became super depressed after Scott's tragic death and Lizzie Had been helping him through it, Lizzie had also kick Joel out blaming it on him because it was his knife that killed him, 

Joel had been sitting in his kingdom feeling shitting cause he also had blame himself for the death of the king of Rivendell. Fwhip and Gem where help Sausage get through the fact that he will never know if it was ok. Katherine had locked herself in her room because they had been friends since they were 6. The rest of the empires were helping around other empires, Scar had been made King of Rivendell and Mumbo and Grain ending up leaving Scar because they were home sick and missed the other hermit's.


About 1000 years ago after when the Ice elves were banished to the mountains, The Family of The Smajor's started building a village, soon other Ice elves join in, after they finished building it the Smajor's named it "Rivendell" then the other ice elves made the oldest son of the Smajors the king, King Eugene helped build up many builds, Allies, and many more great things, One day when he was out for a walk he bumped into a magic elf who was passing by but she did not know about the huge storm rolling in, Mayako the magic elf ended up staying that night in the village, soon after she gets married to the purpled haired ice elf known as the King, a year after their marriage Mayako gave birth to their first son, Xornoth. Xornoth had gotten his fathers purple hair but the magic of his mother, 3 year later they gave birth to the 2nd son, Scott. Scott had gotten his mothers teal hair unlike his older brother and had gotten the powers of an ice elf, 2 year after that Mayako gave birth to her 3rd son, Scar. Scar was a wood elf and was all too much like his father, Dennis. 9 year later, the Queen and King went into their room and never came back out...

With that the 12 year old Xornoth had been given the title of King and had to look over his brothers Scott and Scar. Many years later Xornoth had been turned into a demon who was one of the many dangerous souls, After that Scott became king, and a month later Scar lefted not saying a word...

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