SEVEN - Double shit

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TRIGGER WARNING: this chapter contains the mentioning of sexual abuse of a minor. No details though.

Iron Knuckles

Knux left the shop a little earlier than usual and headed home. Back at the clubhouse he strode to Isabella's room. Okay, strode was the wrong description, because he walked rather slowly.

He knocked but there was no reply. After he had tried twice, he pressed the handle and found the door unlocked. Taking a look inside Knux found Isabella asleep on her desk as if she had passed out from exhaustion. She had her laptop open as well as some study books. He closed the door softly behind him and walked over to her. Knux lifted her into his arms and felt his tired, aching body protest under the strain but he didn't care. He carried Isabella the few steps to her bed and placed her gently down and then laid down next to her. A nap couldn't hurt, he decided and pulled her to spoon with him. Isabella snuggled against him in her sleep. This was where she was supposed to be. He was asleep within a couple of minutes.

When Knux woke up again, he had his face buried in Isabella's hair. It smelled really nice. He pulled her closer to him but the movement made her body stiffen. Her breath sped up as if she was afraid. She was awake and obviously not comfortable in his arms.

Knux considered letting her go but he couldn't. She was his girl and he would make sure she understood that.

"Precious," he said gently and nuzzled her neck.

Her only response was even faster breathing.

"My precious girl, relax." His voice was calm but authoritative. "Relax, you're safe with me."

Isabella made a small, scared whining sound.

"Sweet girl. You have nothing to fear from me," he promised and placed a small kiss on her ear.

She shivered next to him. Her ears were apparently sensitive.

"Precious," Knux purred and bit her earlobe, which resulted in a whimper which definitely sounded needy.

He smiled, happy that she started to react again to him. The indifference this morning had been hell. Like he didn't mean anything to her.

"Relax," he said again and slowly she leaned into him. "Good girl."

She whined a little louder replying to his praise.

"Do you like it when I call you good girl?" He asked, going back to letting his nose run over the side of her neck, which she had started to bare to him.

"Yes," she admitted very quietly.

He smiled.
"I like calling you good girl. Because that's what you are, precious," Knux murmured and pressed a kiss to her neck.

Isabella's breath caught but this time in excitement. She was apparently extremely sensitive.

"No," her protest was quiet.

"Yes, you are a good girl. You are my good girl," he replied and then gently bit her ear.

Isabella made a sound that was half whimper, half moan. Fucking adorable and sexy.

"Do you like this?" He asked and started nibbling on her ear.


Isabella wiggled in his arms but he kept her tightly wrapped in and he even put his leg over hers for good measure. His girl wouldn't get away any time soon.

"Please," she whimpered.

So sweet.

"Please what, sweet girl?" He prompted.

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