Chapter 2: the night begins

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(Y/n) pov

It was nighttime and everyone was gathered around the campfire. I sat in between Nick and Ryan. It was pretty quiet which I was thankful for until Dylan suggested we play truth or dare. Everyone agreed even if we had to kiss someone. "(Y/n) truth or dare?" Dylan looked at me. I paused for a second. "T-truth." I spoke. "Why don't you talk to any of us besides Ryan and well Kaitlyn I guess?"

I looked down and answered. "I usually don't get along with people around my age so I don't bother making an effort." Nobody said anything so I figured that they were waiting for me to ask someone. "Emma you can have my turn." The blonde smiled. "Okay! Well Ryan truth or dare?" She looked at the male next to me.

"Dare." Emma smiled. "Well I dare you too either kiss Dylan or (Y/n)." I tensed up at this. I felt eyes on me so I knew who he chose. "(Y/n)? Is it alright?" I turned to Ryan and did a simple nod. With that we leaned in for a kiss. "Always happy to please." I looked back down and no longer paid attention the game.

Well sorta. My attention snapped back into focus when I saw Emma walking to Nick and sit in his lap kissing him. 'Doesn't Abi like Nick though?' I was right as Emma walked back to her seat and Abi left. Jacob started bitching about how Emma was his girlfriend and how Nick liked kissing her and stormed off.

Emma and Nick followed after them and now it was just me, Ryan, Dylan, and Kaitlyn. Dylan tried to make small talk when we heard a scream. "Was that Abi?" Ryan spoke. We all stood up. Ryan and Kaitlyn walked towards the scream and I could see Abi running. Kaitlyn handed Ryan the gun and he ran into the forest.

Abi dropped to the ground and Kaitlyn helped her up. I jogged to them helping Abi to sit down. "He needs to help Nick! He has to save him!" Abi kept on saying. She talked about a hunter but she was just freaked out. We tried to calm her down until Nick and Ryan came.

Nick was super bloody. Dylan helped put him down. "Nick we need to know what happened." Ryan said. "It was an animal." My head snapped at this. "An animal?" I asked. "Yeah I think it was a bear." Nick said. I got closer to him and saw the bite on his leg. "We have to amputate." Dylan suggested

I was about to agree but Ryan started first. "What are you an idiot? Why would you even say that?" Just then we heard a rustle in the bushes. Ryan pulled the gun out. I was still more focused about the bite. I heard Jacob shouting so that was mystery solved.

I analyzed the bite. It was very strange. 'So that's how they infect others.' Again I heard Ryan and Jacob arguing. Jacob wanted the gun but we needed it and after a tug of war and a failed punch Jacob left without it.

We decided to head back to the lodge. Ryan and Dylan put Nick in a wheelbarrow and we walked there. Ryan gave me the keys to the nurse station. "Me and Dylan are going to try and contact someone." Kaitlyn nodded at Ryan. I went to the nurse station.

While I was in there the lights turned off. 'Isn't this a fun night?' I rolled my eyes at this. I walked to where Nick and Abi. "I'm just gonna wrap this." I said. I knew it was bullshit. I mean after what I saw when I was here before camp they should've amputated when they had the chance. And the bite was hardly visible. "Get off me you bitch!" I backed up. "Nick!" Abi shouted. I just nodded and looked away. Kaitlyn came back with a gun. "Ryan and Dylan went out for a phone or something."

Then we heard a thump. "I thought you said they left." Abi spoke. I looked at Kaitlyn. "I'm gonna go check it out." She walked out. "I hope she's ok." Abi looked down. I walked towards the door and I heard a lot of thumps. 'I don't think it's what nicks going to turn into.' I overheard some things with Nick and Abi.

Then the door swung open and Kaitlyn came rushing in. "We have to get out." Abi shook her head. "We have to hide." The footsteps came near so we decided to hide. I don't think I've ever held my breathe in for so long. But thankfully we got out without a fight.

We made it to the radio station but we heard Ryan on the PA telling us to get inside a cabin now. Kaitlyn rushed us in. We sat there and waited. "Kaitlyn." I spoke handing out my hand. "It's everything I got from the nurse office." She nodded. I looked outside the window.


I shook my head. 'Stupid family.' Then a chainsaw sound made its way to my ears. 'Wonder what they cut.' Than an ear ringing sound came. I covered my ears groaning in pain. It stopped after a bit. We saw Ryan and Dylan walk out so we followed after. "Dylan?" I pointed at his now missing hand. "Holy shit!" Kaitlyn said. "Don't worry I'm ok." Then a gunshot came before we could ask anymore.

We saw a women with an eyepatch and we ran to follow. We ended up at the pool which was now dyed in red. I walked around the pool. She seems so familiar. "That's kaylee Hackett." Ryan spoke. Abi was holding onto Nick and was holding a little too tight. She pushed him into the water and he started screaming like it was burning him.

Narrators pov

"I need to find him." (Y/n) spoke to herself as she slowly backed up. The others were focused on Nick and Abi they didn't notice (Y/n) leaving. "We need to settle down." Kaitlyn said. Everyone agreed. "Guys where (Y/n)?" Dylan asked looking around. Ryan stood up. "(Y/n)?!"

The group looked around confused. "Where could she have gone?" Kaitlyn wondered. Ryan started walking around but the girl was nowhere to be found. They decided to go into the cabin and figure it out later.

Meanwhile (Y/n) had rushed into the forest. "Im going to find you white wolf."

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