Chapter II: The Human Boy

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When you made your way to get a good look of your human you saw him getting treated badly. He was alone in a room with a few of his classmates presumably. Getting treated like he was nothing but trash since it was your job to protect him you revealed yourself from behind him, making sure he doesn't see you when you appeared.

They all backed off in terror as you approach near him. Your wings growing in size in a protective manner against the young boy, with a sneer from your face they immediately ran out of the room. Once again you made yourself invisible, staying in the shadows to protect the young one. He got up and immediately turned around, confused. "What was that all about?" He muttered to himself but it was loud enough for you to catch it.

You began to follow him, his footsteps echoing throughout the corridor and when you inspected some of the classroom you noticed the several different gambling equipment. "Could this school be based on gambling?" You thought as you continue to walk behind the boy, taking a mental note on every student you walked past. Some students wore a necklace it reads dog or kitten, the boy is one of them.

It seems that the sun is setting and the boy is going home. He grips the brown leather school bag around his shoulder before walking out of the classroom to go home. It is very clear that he is a very timid person, avoiding anyone he came across and everyone did the same. He walked home alone seemingly unaware of your presence. When you reach a certain area of the road, dimly lit by the sun when suddenly someone came out from behind a building. They had a gun pointed at the boy. "Put your hands up! Give me all your money you rich scumbag!" The boy put his hands up but didn't make any move to take out his wallet. "I don't have any money! Please let me go!"

"You're lying I know by that uniform you're from that rich school right?! So hand them all over."

"I swear I don't!"

"I don't have any time boy give me it or die!" Ryota still insisted on not having the money and that's when the mugger had enough, disengaging the gun the bullet ripped through the air. You immediately stepped infront of me and revealed yourself. The bullet hits you but didn't do any damage. "What do you think you're doing?" You asked the mugger.

He backed off his gun still aimed at you. You followed in his footsteps, with your wings spread so he doesn't go for Ryota. "Back off..or I'll shoot again!" His voice was trembling at your sight yet you repeated the same question. "I'll ask again. What do you think you're doing?" He once again shot at you and having a few moments of distraction you wacked him over the head with your wand, knocking him out cold. You then turned around to face Ryota who was shocked, lying shaking on the ground. You hold a hand out towards him. "Do not worry. I am not here to hurt you." You explained and he warily took your hand as you pulled him up. "You may go home. Forget what you saw here." You said before once again disappearing but still keeping a close eye on him.

He was shocked, taking a few minutes before he can walk again to his house. When he finally enters his house then you decided to leave. You don't really trust that he can fully take care of himself since you did see what had happened to him today. You decided to ask Satan for a favour since he did owe you a lot. When you made your way to the court you were surprised to not see him there. Other than being at his throne he favours being in his office, thinking of new ways to torture the damned. You made your way to his office and knocked on the door. "Who might that be?"

"It's me, Y/N."

"Oh? Come on in." He answered before you twisted the doorknob and walked inside. "This is a surprise indeed. You never come to see me unless I called for you. Now what I can do for you?"

"I'd like to transfer to a school."

"A school? You don't need to go to one as all the knowledge in life has been handed to you no?"

"I am not there to learn I am there to guard the human I was tasked to that is why I need to transfer to this school."

" could just protect him the shadows wy would you need to make an appearance and protect him?"

"I am not so confident in helping him in the dark. When I am invisible I could not help him as I would just be like the gust of wind that is why I'd rather have a human body to protect him."

"I see, well I trust you to make your own choices Y/N. I will be writing a letter to tranfer you then. Your human form would fit the third years no?"

"Yes it would very much so."

"Alright, I'll try to get you into the school at the end of the week for now try to continue protecting the boy from afar." You nodded and left the room. You never really bowed down to Satan, sure he took you in as a representative and all but you don't really see the need to bow down and respect him. You go to your own room to write a report on how your first day of guarding someone been before spending the rest of the night doing your favourite hobbies.

The days continued to pass by as you watch him from afar careful not to stray too far from him. Whenever you sensed trouble you would be right behind him putting your wings around him in a protective manner as you stare them down. You'd rather not get into fights unless it's absolutely necessary just like the robber you had encountered previously. You also had managed to learn more about the school, everyone in the school had a rank, the rank on which the boy you were protecting was the lowest.

One of the days where you attended the school along with Ryota you encountered a new student wanting to play against Mary Saotome, she was the one that had won against Ryota and since he couldn't pay off his debt he is 'under' her, serving her as her pet.

The new student had a weird aura to her, when you closely inspected her it isn't like she is involved in any occult things rather that her perceptiveness could even match an unworldly being. She acted desperate when she lost and asked for another round before bringing down several wad of cash onto the table. They continued with a few more rounds this time her bloodthirsty side came out, her eyes turning bright red. Even you can't take your eyes off at the game, this spark an interest in you to gamble for the risk.

She finally revealed Mary's dirty tricks to everyone while still playing, being able to win over Mary, taunting her. It was truly a sight to see. You of course had noticed this from a mile away from the start. Ryota was in cahoots too, you were disappointed but it's not like you can do anything about it. Now that the new girl has won she asked for Mary to pay off her debt but, through gritted teeth she revealed that she couldn't. That is when her eyes turned back to normal and she walked out, carrying her bag.

Ryota followed her and called out to her name, that's when you finally learned her name. Yumeko Jabami. You listened in their conversation and was shocked when she handed a few wad of cash towards him to pay off his debts. He wanted to say something but she quickly shut him up by putting a finger on his lips, earning a blush from him. He'd definitely go to pay off his debt after this so you decided that your job for the day was done and go back to the Underworld to write a report for the day.

When you made your way to your room and saw Satan standing outside of your room with his arm folded. You see a letter in his hand. "Ah, you're finally home. I was expecting you to be home in a few more hours. Anyways, here you go." He handed over the letter and you read it. "You were accepted and I definitely did not do anything to them."

"Yeah 'definitely'. So I'll be starting next week on Monday?"

"Yup. Also Y/N one more advice." You were confused, Satan was never the one that gave advice rather he was the one that always needs to be given advice. "What is it?"

"Do not fall for the humans." You didn't say anything and nodded. "Alright! That's all, you're dismissed." You walked past him and to your room before starting the report on your desk.

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