Chapter 1- Why is it red!?

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"What are you?" I uttered out.

It's difficult to even stand near that thing, I almost fell over.

"I'm not a what, I'm a who," the glowing red eyes responded with a deep raspy voice.

"Ok, well who are you?" I asked

"I'm surprised you don't know who's the reason behind this entire monster identity."

"Wait, that means you're the Kyuubi, right?"

"I don't really like that name but it's me. Your anomaly." The eyes moved closer to me until I could make out a silhouette of the creature.

"So why am I here? Why am I able to come into contact with you right now?"

"I'm not quite sure, the way that you've managed to find me isn't anything like how my previous hosts have done."

"Why did you end up being sealed inside of me? Of everybody you could've had, why was it me who was stuck with you?" I was kind of angry and rightfully so, I was just a newborn when it happened and I didn't even have a choice on whether or not I wanted to ruin my life.

"Don't blame me, kid. I wasn't even allowed to choose whose body I wanted to occupy." He said as he was raising his voice a bit and changed his tone.

"Just tell me how to get out of here." I was starting to get annoyed by this demon.

"Do it yourself."

3:42 am

I found myself walking in circles. This place was just a maze, a terrible one if I'm honest, this was one of the worst places I've ever been to. I'm saying that as someone who's grown up being tortured by the leaf village as a whole.

Finally, I've had enough, I decided to suck up my pride and apologize to that fox.

"Hey..." I tried my best to not make it seem like I was still annoyed.

"Will you finally admit that you were in the wrong?" He said smugly.

I almost popped a vein, "I just need some help getting out of here. I don't want to see you and I know you don't want to be anywhere near me, so let's just get this over with."

"Don't just say outrageous things like that. Of course, I want to be around you."

"Why? You don't like me."

"Now now, I never said that. Don't go around putting words in my mouth," he laid down, which allowed me to get a better look at him. "I don't love you or anything but jinchurikis must form a relationship with their bijuus."

"Really? Are you sure that you aren't just trying to stall because you don't know how to help me?" I was quite skeptical of his quick change in mood and his want to have a connection with me, "why the sudden change of heart? You're not planning anything, are you?"

"Don't be so rash, I'm just trying to be nice. After all, we got off on the wrong foot, we need a good relationship if we want this to work," I don't want to believe what he says but I need to find a way out of here and he's my best bet.

"Just trust me, this isn't going to take long."

4:29 am

I can't remember much but I've been awake for the past 30 minutes. I have a massive headache and I can't tell whether meeting that fox was a fever dream or not.

I think it's best if I stay awake for now.

6:25 am

It's time for me to go out to the farmer's market. It's been some time since I've eaten a proper meal.

As I walk to the market, I can't help but feel that someone is watching me. I pick up my pace a little bit, but they keep on following me. At this point, I'm running for dear life as they follow me into the woods. I thought I would lose them as soon as I ran in but they have kept their sights on me this entire time. I don't know what to do.

Oh god, I'm going to die.

My breathing is heavy as fear consumes my body. I fell to my knees as someone kicked my legs from behind.

I don't know how to fight. I can't protect myself. I'm useless in situations like these. I never went to the academy and everyone refuses to teach me how to do self-defense.

I don't know how but right before they tried to attack me, I felt a strange feeling of instinct kicking in, only it wasn't my instincts.

I quickly turned and kicked the person off of me. Strength just took over my body as my skin started bubbling. It looked painful but I didn't feel it at all. I felt as if I was being cleansed. Cleansed of all my worries. Right now was the only thing I saw. All other things became cloudy. Nonexistent. There was an absence of concern for anything and everything.

Before I knew it, I was looking down at the unconscious and bloody man. I don't know what happened but I decided to run immediately. I ran all the way home, and screw the groceries. As far as I know, I'm responsible for what happened to that man whether I started it or not.

I'm freaking out as I pace around trying to collect myself. I think I'll just go to the bathroom and clean my face. Wait...what's with my hair?!?

It's bright red...

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