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Taehyung let his tears free the moment he stepped out of the restaurant...

Am sorry Koo... Am so sorry...but I didn't have any other way left... The prophecy...it scared me Koo... I don't know what it actually is but it said that only I can save you...only I can lift the curse... So I did what I thought was right.... I know you will die trying but won't give up on keeping us all safe...but I can't bear the pain of seeing you die in front of my eyes again.... Am sorry Ian....your moonchild failed to keep his glow...am so sorry

Taehyung kept on apologizing in his mind as his feet took him through the dark alley... His heart so deep in sorrow that he didn't notice the shadows following him through the dark...

Taehyung halted when he reached a dead end..but before he could even look around he felt someone grab him from behind and a stinging pain passed through his neck as darkness took over his vision

' Tsk tsk tsk...Kim Taehyung.... I told you that you will end up crying if you remain by that stupid Trueblood's side' Wooshik laughed maniacally as he crouched beside the unconscious body of the omega ' You are still so fucking beautiful Taehyung...and am glad you left him...but my game is not over until I kill him'

' Minho' Wooshik called

' Yes hyung'

' Take this slut to the car...we are going to have a long night' Wooshik smirked as he walked to the cars parked at some distance


' I shouldn't have slapped him' Namjoon mumbled as guilt crept up his chest ' It must have hurt so much'

Jimin looked helplessly at his brother who was staring into emptiness. He was about to call Jungkook when a loud ringtone grabbed their attention...they saw Jungkook pull his phone out answering the call

' Hey Ian... want to save your omega?' Wooshik's laugh was heard

' Where is my Tae Wooshik?' Jungkook growled as everyone went still..

'Its not me Ian who need something... it's you!' Wooshik spat back ' I'll show you something....'

Jungkook pulled his phone back when he heard a ding..he opened the message as the rest of them gathered around him...

' Tae' Jin clasped his hands over his mouth when he saw the image of an unconscious Taehyung

' Isn't he the prettiest Jeon?' Wooshik snickered ' He looks so fuckable even when he is un-

' Don't you dare touch him' Jungkook seethed into the phone

' My patience is running out Jeon...if you don't want to see your mate withering under me...then come and get your Luna... Win your Queen back my King'

' Where are you talking him?'

' If I tell that... won't it kill the fun?' Wooshik laughed

' Fucking psycho' Yoongi cursed

' Ah Yoongi.... I hope you saw your brother right... I'll be waiting for you'

' Just fucking tell where the hell you are taking my son' Namjoon yelled into the phone

' Namjoon ah' Wooshik snickered ' Ask your all mighty trueblood....see if he is wise enough to find out where his mate is being taken to...Or else get ready to accept me as your son in law' with that the line went dead

' Jungkook..w-'

' He took him to where it all began' Jungkook breathed out cutting off Namjoon

' What do you mean?' Jisung asked

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