Chapter 1- The beginning of the end

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'Why is it that my pain comes from the fear of others?'
I've thought this to myself ever since I was a young boy. Although, when I was younger, I didn't know that their hatred was rooted in their constant dread of living with a monster. I guess all the torture that they have put me through has helped me somewhat comprehend all the suffering they endured on that day.

That is the most awful day of the year.
That was the day of my birth.

At a young age I grew up alone, relying on myself, you never know how pitiful silence can be until you learn to live with it.

Orphanages always have a certain dread looming around. My earliest memory of being there was when I was four years, playing with dolls, suddenly they were snatched from my hands. I was curious why my caretaker took them away from me. After all, the dolls were for everybody to use. What I didn't realize was that everybody could use them except me. A few months later, I was deemed ready to live on my own. At age four I had my own apartment. Living by myself and the only source of income was the allowance that I got each month from that old man. It wasn't much either.

It has been 8 years since and I am now 12 years old. I was supposed to be enrolled in the academy but I didn't leave the apartment that day. I knew that I wouldn't be welcome there so I stayed home. For eight years that's what I've done. Of course, I would go outside from time to time but even then I tried to be less noticeable. The only time I would leave without needing to get food or water was when I would go out to the forest. I found comfort with the silence there, unlike in the village, this silence was peaceful. I wasn't reminded of my loneliness. No matter what anyone says I could never find more happiness anywhere else.

Wandering in forests gives me a sense of contentment. I am free to roam wherever I please and no one can say anything about it. There are absolutely no restrictions.

Today's date

I don't know why people make such a fuss about love, especially people my age. We're too young to even understand what love is...or I guess it's just me. I don't know what love is because I've never felt it. It makes sense that a monster like me doesn't understand. I drive everyone away, including my parents.

Sometimes, when I feel nosy about other kids, I wander around the academy. That's when I see her, one of the most beautiful girls I have ever laid my eyes on. Sakura. With her long rose pink hair, bright green eyes that were full of curiosity, and her voice, oh how I adore it. She's a sweet soft-spoken person and I can't help but feel warm when I see her. Is this love? No, it's just a crush. She wouldn't feel the same anyway. But I can't help but feel a bit of jealousy when I see her fawn over that black-haired boy. Sasuke.

Something about him is just so unlikeable. He doesn't even care about her, or any other of his fans for that matter. How cocky.

19:30 pm

I decided to leave the academy and go back home. That's the only place where I can peacefully rest.

I fell asleep as soon as I got on my bed. "I'm so exhausted. I wish that I could be different. Not me."

2:57 am

It seems so warm and I can't sleep properly. Wait, where am I? It's so dark and kind of humid. The floor is really wet. I have a feeling that I shouldn't explore but I need to get out of here. I'll just ignore my gut, leaving this place is much more important than my feelings.

3:06 am

I've been wandering around for a few minutes, yet I can't seem to find a way out. Some part of me feels like it's being pulled towards something. Something big.

3:09 am

I have to admit that I am completely lost. As I'm walking I step on something and I slip. I opened my eyes to find myself in shallow water and there are large bars in front of me. What could be big enough to require such bars to hold it in? This place seems like a prison. I walked closer to the cage and I saw two glowing eyes staring straight at me. Fear filled my heart as I stood there. I couldn't move, breathe, or even take my eyes off of it.

"What are you?" I finally uttered out.

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