Part 23

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You decide to head towards the popcorn stand. A buttery smell coming from behind the stand makes your mouth water.

Somewhere in the back of your mind, you notice that the circus music is getting louder. But you push this thought to one side; this is the path you've decided on, so this is the path you'll follow.

When you reach the stand, you shove it to one side.

And freeze.

In front of you, a group of clowns stand around a music box, eating popcorn.

Simultaneously, the clowns swivel round to face you, identical grins on painted onto their faces. You prepare to run, but hands claim onto your shoulders from behind.

Slowly, you turn round. The clown from earlier faces you, their smile fixed firmly in place.

You're trapped.

"Hello," the clowns say in unison, their voices horribly distorted.

"Want to play?"

Your journey is over.

Your journey is over

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