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​I asked the Lord many times about this question. Who am I that you have taught me how to walk and took me by your hands? You hedged me round with your stretched hands and drew me closer to you with your bands of love? These are questions that are to be asked often. Our hearts know what we are and who we are. Why the Lord has to waste time searching for me?

​I feel terribly special once again when you hugged me and raised me up like a child to your cheeks. I just do not know how to say 'thank you.' These words seem not enough to give back my gratitude. With your embrace and caresses, there is security and affection.

​The Lord has led me this far and yet, find many ways in bringing me back into His arms. He just could not give up His special one. Each one is special and could not let His special one to fall down. He wants each one to be back to the fold.

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