Out of Argus and into the Cinema

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Disclaimer: I. OWN. NOTHING.

It has been a trying couple of days for Ruby Rose and her friends since they left Mistral.

First there was the Grimm attack on the train to Argus, that forced the group to split, with Jaune, Nora and Ren continuing to the city of Argus while the rest stayed behind with the relic of knowledge.

Then there was the confrontation with Ozpin that led to Oscar forcing out the password to the relic, leading to the revelation of Ozma's and Salem's origin.

Next came an incident in which Team RWBY, Qrow and Oscar had to spend a night in a ghost town that turned out to be quite literally haunted by a horde of apathy Grimm.

Things began to settle when the group finally made it to Argus and were reunited with their friends, who were staying at the house of Jaune's older sister, Sapphron. However, this was not to last, as once Ruby told Team JN(P)R what they had found out the day before, mayhem broke out again.

It all took a turn to the nasty when Jaune began to loudly question Oscar's trustworthiness, going as far as attacking Ozpin's young host.

After that altercation died down, the group decided to disperse for a while. Jaune and his team took to the upper floor of the house, Weiss, Blake and Yang went out to buy food, Qrow was out drinking since before ,and Ruby left for the back yard, where she found old Maria Calavera sitting.

"You know," said Maria as Ruby threw her scroll away in frustration after not being able to contact Qrow. "I came out
here to avoid the yelling."

"Sorry," said Ruby. "The others went to get food for tonight."

"Why not go with them?" asked Maria.

"I don't know," said Ruby. "I don't know
anything. I feel like I'm letting everyone down."

"If you're tired of not knowing anything," said Maria. "How about we discuss those eyes of yours."

"Oh! Uh, yes ma'am! I would be honored!" exclaimed Ruby, jumping unto her feet.

For a long while they stayed, and Maria told Ruby of the origin and nature of the silver eyes, according to what her own father had taught her many years ago.

"But," began Ruby. "That can't be right?you said the light only reacts to Grimm, but I used it during our battle at Haven. It reacted to Cinder."

"Interesting," said Maria. "Perhaps there was something that you just weren't seeing?"

"Ruby!" suddenly came Yang's voice from inside the house.
Ruby hurried inside to meet her sister and teammates.

"Oh... Hey, guys!" she said.
Jaune and his team soon stepped in as well.

"What's going on?" asked Jaune.
Yang looked to Blake whose cat ears were folded, indicating fear or distress.

"It's Oscar," said Blake. "He's missing."

Everyone was shocked, but before they could even initiate a thought another voice was heard. An unfamiliar voice, cold and assertive; And it did not come from a singular source, but rather was heard all around them.

"And until he is ready to face you again, none of you will lay eyes on him!"

The world sizzled and warped around Team RWBY and JNR,
and if Maria's startled "What the-" that sounded from the back yard was to go by, then the case was the same for her.

When it all died down, the eight temporary inhabitants of the Cotta-Arc House had found themselves standing in an enormous dimly lit hall. It was a terrible situation; unarmed, in an unfamiliar location, and Ozpin's host is gone.

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