26- It's a Map! Promise!

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You all chose: Go left! 

You cannot undo this.

Reminder: You rolled low on how easy it would be to find josuke, so it will be difficult to locate him.


The moment your decision is made, and your group moves to the open path to the field, the stretch into the forest in swallowed up by branches and thick layers of leaves. By the time you bother to look again, it doesn't seem like there was any clearing to follow in the first place.

The warm sun paints the sky an odd lemon skin, and clouds puff and blow into peculiar shapes that shift by the second, a constant change that passes with the slight wind.

Following the youthful, steel towers that fenced the country with wires, a sprinkled landscape swaying with candy-colored wild flowers and a sea of waving teal grass.

You were dropped into a painting ahead of its time, an artist had pictured you within his manic mind and painted the image onto a canvas where everything was on its head.

"I feel like I'm just noticing this," Mista said, "but everything looks a little... Saturated."

You nod at his notation and look around some more. The transmission towers were giants frozen still, leashed to each other in tight uniform. There is one standing by itself just many yards further, alone and free from a tight leash.

Uneasy feelings reach you like hands shooting from the unknown, grasping every nerve and sending shocks to each receptor. It seems to stare, constantly luring what it can to its domain, an obvious trap with a hidden surprise.

You don't let yourself fall for it, and snap Manny out of a similar trance when you catch him looking wantonly at the metal titan in the distant.

"Let's get to town-- maybe things are a bit more normal there." 

The crinkled map you've been following is faithfully pulled from your pocket, and it unfurls in its accordion shape beneath your hands as you match up your position to where you stand on the map.

Since leaving the thick shade of the woods, it's much easier to make out the directions on the hideously colored sheet, the weaving path it paints suddenly elementary. 

A foreign squad of dead and living patrol in curious turns through the unending field, and their trek drops them at the edge of a town, where the streets are green and the buildings look copy-paste from an 'ideal life' magazine cover.

The environment was fake, it all seemed horribly staged, an abandoned set for some coming of age movie. You look around at the display you walk along and shuddered. A ghost town full of people.

"Are you sure this is the place?" 

You looked over your shoulder to acknowledge Risotto, who seemed just as suspicious of the place as you were. He regarded the passerby with narrowed eyes, watching them jolt and suddenly grow wary of the air around you. 

"The streets are," Caesar blinked, "green?"

You took another look at your map, flipping it one way, then the other as you checked your path. "We should be close to it, if not this place."

That familiar heavy black figure drew near, and your map was snatched from your hands by the top of the page. Risotto looked at it, and seemed to come to a sudden understanding; then he looked at you, regretfully, and there was a disappointment in his eyes now even your fathers could match. It stung.

"(Y/n)," He said.


"This is a children's menu from a restaurant."

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