What choice do we have

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We should get the test results back in a couple days and we will let you know what they are take care you guys. 

Oscar and his father left the doctors and had no clearer idea of what was causing Oscars problems. Oscar knew that sooner or later science would expose him so he might have to speed up his plan he decided to wake up wet today and to not have a daytime accident 2 days in a row. With the rest of the day continuing as normal Oscar pondered if the doctors would actually be able to expose that he has no bladder problems. What would happen if he just kept wetting himself even if the doctor said that nothing was wrong with him. He then decided to search up if there was a way to make something wrong with your bladder Oscar found that if you just go at first release then over time your muscles will weaken and you will eventually become incontience. Oscar had a decision to make was he going to go through with this and lose all control in his bladder and potentially become diaper dependent for life. His train od thought was then interrupted by his mother

What did the doctor say honey

Waiting for the tests to come back. 

I really hope they can find whats been happening you don't deserve to be like this 

Oscar wished his parents would just give in already and put him in diapers full time. Oscar decided to stick to his plan no doctor was going to get in the way of it. Oscar needed to pick out a time for his next day time accident. Friday he was seeing his family as they were going over to his aunts house for a dinner that is the perfect to mess myself he thought. The next stage of his plan was set he couldn't wait till Friday. But Friday was 3 days away he had to figure out what he was going to do up until then a daytime accident tomorrow he thought and then depending on what the doctor says he will then make his next move. 

A few days passed Oscar had his second day time accident his mum now becoming very concerned but still hadn't turned to full time diapers yet she was nearly almost ready to take him out of night time diapers since he hadn't wet the bed in a few days. 

The phone call from the doctor came his father answered it

The results have came back he's all good doesn't have any infections from what we can see here so its really surprising why he's having these accidents. Has he's accidents reduced or are they becoming more frequent.

Well he's night accidents seem to be improving hasn't had one in a few days but he did have a day time accident today so I don't know what's going on

yeh look its an interesting situation we can run some more tests on him see if we can find something but im not sure 

what would you recommend we do now 

well it depends how comfortable you are with him being able to not have any day time accidents   if you think he will be ok then there's nothing you can really do but if you think he's gonna have more which looks the more likely option at the moment maybe get him some diapers or something to wear just while we figure out the problem. But that's up to you

Dan and Rachel had some thinking to do. The family gathering was tomorrow were they gonna bring Oscar in a diaper and risk somebody sees him or are they gonna risk him not having an accident. 

What do you think Rach

Idk what if he has an accident and everyone sees imagine how embarrassing that will be for him but if he was a diaper on at least he will be protected and no one will know if he has an accident.

What if they see the diaper tho, He's not going to want to be in a diaper either

Well what choice do we have. 

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