Chapter 4

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"Rae?" Caspian said walking into the archives "Hey caspian..." the dark haired male replied "You doing okay love?" Cas asked "Kinda, it's just really hard..." "What's hard darling?" "Keeping a secret is really hard some times..." "You know you can tell me if you feel comfortable with it Rae" "I want to it's just really hard to say out loud..." "Take your time darling, I'm okay with waiting" "I-i'm trans...I was born as a female..." Rae said his voice shaking "Hey love breathe I don't need you going into a panic attack" "D-do you support me?" Rae asked his voice shaking as he clamed down "Course I support you what kind of boyfriend would I be if I didn't" "A shit one" Rae said laughing "Let's go home I think we're both tired" Cas said to the taller one "Okay , I might be just a bit tired" right after he said that he yawned "Okay it's bed time" Cas said grabbing Rae's hand dragging him home and pulling him in to bed "Goodnight Rae I love you no matter what you look like just so you know" "Thank you Cas I don't know what I would have done without you" they both fell asleep cuddling.

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