Redson x macaque's child! Reader

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Request by:@Noemilovefiresoul
3rd pov:

It was a quiet winters evening and ____ was going on a walk through the city , lights illuminated the sky with all sorts of colours . It was a bit colder then it usually was in winter , a (h/c) girl walks through the street of Busy
People trying to find a Christmas present for her father , thoughts ponder her mind trying to think of what to get them
____'s pov:

A candle no that's to basic , hmm ooo I know what about a journal ! That sounds good I mean dad needs to get his problems out somehow all he does is bottle up his feelings I feel so bad for him.
I walk to the nearest stationary store and find a black hardcover journal and purchase it along with some pens .
Time skip 30mins or so
I use my shadow to teleport to the food market the smell of spice lingered in the air. I could really go for some spicy food tbh . I finally found the source from where the smell was coming from it was a small stall and it looked quite cool , I walked up to the little red stall and pinged the bell.
"Ah, hello valued customer how may I serve you today?"
A slightly taller guy with red flame like hair asked me
"Hi, is alright if I could have Aussie bbc ribs please?"
He smiled in return
"Ofc ofc , but I have to warn you that it's very hot."
"I know I'm a demon I can take the heat dw " I chuckled
This girl looked quite hot if I say so myself something about him has attracted me to them.
Redson's pov:
I watch the girl drift off in thought , I do wonder what they're thinking about.
Something in my mind told be not to talk to her like the other peasants she was different a good kind of different ofc , her (h/c) hair and golden eyes , the odd thing about her tho was the fact that she had 6 ears just like the legend the six eared macaque, very interesting indeed . I finished preparing the ribs and put them in a white tub and sprinkled them with sesame seeds, I was quite proud of myself for making something so delicious but it's me redson whatever I made is amazing!
I turned back to look at this mysterious girl , she was still in thought how cute - wait. What? How could I possibly think of such . They're nothing but a customer!
"Uh miss? Your food I ready to go"
I see a slight tint of pink cover there face in embarrassment .
____'s pov:
"Ah! I'm so sorry sir I didn't mean to zone out"
My face was now a hot mess I grab the bag of food and thank the girl.
"Thanks mister..?"
I wait for his reply
"Redson my name is redson , pleasure to meet you ?"
"____ , i better get going thanks again redson! "
I turn my heel and head of to an alleyway and teleport home .
Another time skip bc why not
I finally finished my very delicious food my god I wish I could eat that over and over again yummy
I felt a piece of paper fall out the bag I assumed it was the bill but looking at it closely, it wasn't it looked to be phone number . My face turned a crimson red
"What's that?"
"Oh hi father! This oh well I think it's someone's number"
"Hm I wonder who anywho I'm going out stay ,safe pip-squeak "
"Ok papa byee!"

Little did ____ know it was just the beginning of a beautiful relationship between her and redson.

Sorry if this wasn't what you expected but I quite enjoyed making this one shot .

Lmk oneshots! जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें