Getting Ready

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After they turned around and were at least ten feet away, I started to run."Nice job, Soda!" Two-bit congratulated me.I wonder what the gang would say!


I ran to my house to pick out an outfit."Brooke, we still need to run errands!" Anna shouted at me.I stopped running, " What's more important, groceries or going out with the best looking guys in town?!""I guess you're right."Luckily my parents weren't home so I ran up to my tiny closet and started to pull things out. "No ,no, NO!" I started to get frustrated."Calm down, Brooke!" Anna started to laugh.I guess I was going a little too crazy."Ok, well, I have nothing," I said with disappointment."Well," Anna said, " Let's go shopping!!!"


"Woah , Soda, woah," I ran into the house"I can't!" I said trying to catch my breath." I'm goin on a date tonight!" I yelled"Nice man!"I layed down on my bed with exhaustion from running. What was I going to wear, what movie would we see, what food would we eat!? So many questions running through my happy little brain!


We took Anna's dad's car and drove to Sears. We got out of the car once we finally found a parking spot. We walked into Sears, where to start?


It was still 2 hours before the date, but I couldn't resist getting ready! I put on a clean pair of jeans, and threw my DX shirt in the wash. I smelled my red and blue flannel shirt to make sure it was clean. I put that over my white undershirt and put my black converse by the door. A hundred and nineteen minutes.


We got out of Sears with only 2 hours left! We rushed back to Anna's house to get ready."Why did that take so long!" I screamed as I buckled my seat belt. "I don't know!" We ran into the house and took all of Anna's makeup and hair stuff out. We were going to be really late!


I decided to get a snack with Ponyboy since I had so much time. I was really bored and very anxious.


I rushed through my makeup as fast as I could! It was the fastest I've ever put it on. Only one hour left!!!!!


"Hey, Soda, what you watchin?" Ponyboy got back from McDonalds with Cherry. They were really good friends."Mickey. Want to join?" I responded."Well, why not."


I just brushed my hair since I didn't have time. I looked at the clock, 6:45. Good I had fifteen minutes to get my purse together and get changed.


Ugh, fifteen more minutes, maybe they wouldn't mind if we came a little earlier.BrookeYou know maybe they would be running late too, right!?SodapopI got to Two's and he had a Mickey Mouse shirt and jeans on, nothin much."I was just comin for you," Two said surprised."Well, I'm here now!"


I went to the Sears bag and ripped out my outfit. A red and blue flannel shirt with a new pair of jeans. I also wore my black converse that I basically wear everyday.


We started our drive to Anna's place. I was tapping my foot on the ground of the car and couldn't stop."Soda, calm down, its just a date," Two bit said not calming me at all, " You're goin to break this beauty if you keep hitting it with your foot!" We stopped across from Anna's and got out of the car.


The doorbell rang a sweet tone, but it only gave me worry. I took a deep breath and ran to my purse. I stuffed my stuff in the purse as fast as I could. The bell rang again. I slipped into my converse and tied them as fast as I could."Come on, Brooke, they're waiting!" Anna was ready ready twenty minutes ago.Anna opened the door and my jaw dropped to the floor.


A red and blue flannel shirt with a white undershirt under that. Jeans and black converse.

BrookeWe were wearing the same exact thing. Oh god."Well, isn't that a coincident!?" Anna said staring at me with shock."Well, I guess we have the same fashion sense, don't we?" I said trying to make things less awkward. "Yea," he said with a tiny, but beautiful laugh.

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