3. A Hands-On Lesson

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I arrived at the dance studio for my first Friday night private lesson, instantly noticing how empty the parking lot was. There was just one other vehicle parked in front of the building. A sexy, black motorcycle that assuredly belonged to Minho. Lord help me, this is just adding to his attractiveness.

When I got to the room, I peered inside for a moment, hoping to catch a glimpse of my partner for the evening before going in. And as my typical luck would have it, he noticed me. He squinted and then gave me a little wave to come inside.

"Jisung, don't be shy. Welcome!" He called out to me as I slowly walked through the door.

He was smiling warmly as if he was excited to see me. Maybe he was just glad I was actually on time again.

"Why don't you put your stuff down and we'll get warmed up together."

I nodded and quickly set my bag on the bench at the edge of the room, then toddled to the center of the practice area. The room felt huge without other people filling it. The mirrored wall only added to the illusion.

Minho turned on some background music and positioned himself across from me. I followed his movements as he stretched out his arms and legs. After a few minutes he made a single, thunderous clap and shouted "okay".

He jogged in a tiny fashion back over to the stereo and stopped the music. After a moment, a new song started playing. It was the usual song we always started out with during lessons.

"Alright, we're going to focus on just a few moves tonight, particularly the ones you've been struggling with."

I nodded, but wasn't excited about looking my worst right off the bat.

We both went through the initial choreography, up to the first part I that always messed up. He watched me closely as I stumbled like usual.

"Ah, I see," he muttered with a thoughtful expression. Suddenly he approached me and crouched down. "Reset your position," he ordered.

As I set myself back to the first part of the movement, Minho grabbed my lower leg. I nearly jumped at his touch, but managed to keep calm as he slid my foot a few inches, then turned it slightly. "You should be starting from here."

He stood back up and restarted the music, then watched again as I attempted the motions from the new footing. Somehow, that was all it took for me to get the moves right.

"Perfect," Minho shouted, clapping his hands excitedly for me.

I couldn't believe these lessons were already helping. Even my confidence was beginning to improve and I was feeling less nervous. I should have done this from the start.

Soon, we got to the next part that always tripped me up...literally. Minho was already prepared to watch me like a hawk, as if he knew what was about to happen. And just as I fell, he darted over and reached his hand down to me.

I hesitated just long enough for him to give me an annoyed look. "Jisung, I'm not going to bite."

I wasn't so sure...

I finally took his hand and he quickly pulled me to my feet. But, something in me wouldn't allow me to let go, and instead I stood there staring at Minho.

"Jisung? Can I have my hand back?"

I snapped out of it and jerked my hand away as he let out a soft chuckle. I swear I saw a twinkle in his eyes, but I was too embarrassed to look back at him to check.

"Let's try that once more." His voice was serious again, bringing me completely back to reality.

I reset my position as he looked me over to determine what I was doing wrong. After I nearly fell a second time, he immediately stepped forward and stopped me.

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