Chapter 2

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She smiled, turning it back on. But in her haste to mess with the controls, neither one of us noticed the car speeding towards us.


There was a screech of tires, and my mom and I jumped, looking up. My mom screamed, her eyes widening in fear. I tried to scream, but no sound came out of my parted lips. All I could do was sit and stare with my mouth open. We both just stared at the black car speeding towards us, faster than it should have been in a suburban neighborhood like this. My mom's reactions weren't quick enough, though.

Everything seemed to move in slow motion. The car that raced for us slowly made contact with our car on the driver's side. I could hear the metal groan at the impact, and it slowly bent inwards. It was just then that I realized the hill on the other side, slowly growing dangerously close to my side of the car. The other car didn't stop, though. In fact, it only increased its speed, pushing our car closer to the drop. Panic crossed my mother's face as realization about what was happening. She reached over, trying to unbuckle me and open my door at the same time. In my panic, I forgot that she was still buckled in.

My stomach dropped when I felt the car slowly tipping on the hill. My mom's actions grew more frantic. She had just managed to get the door open when the car flipped on its side, slamming it closed. I fell onto the door and my mom cursed. I assumed it was partly because she had unbuckled me, partly because she had forgotten to get the airbags fixed. My heart had just managed to slow down when it lurched, along with the car. The other car had stopped, but ours still slid down the hill. It leisurly tipped upside down, then it gained speed, rolling down the hill. A strangled scream escaped my lips as a was knocked up, down, left and right, slamming into the window and windshield.

There was a crack and I felt the windshield give way, shattering into a million pieces. This time I finally found my voice, screaming the loudest I had in all my years. I felt the windshield give way, and I did a summersault out of the rolling car. There was a white hot pain in the back of my head as my vision flashed white. I bit my tongue and clenched my fists when I felt something warm run down the back of my neck.

I tried to sit up, but I fell back onto the cold dirt when my arm screamed in protest. I turned my head slightly looking down at my arm. Yep, my arm definitely isn't supposed to bend that way. Suddenly, my head snapped in the direction of the still rolling car, which worsened my killer headache.

I could still hear my mom's screams as the car slowly grew more distant. Then the world started fade, and everything went black.


There was a strange beeping noise and another whirring noise. They were starting to annoy me, and I just wanted it to be quiet. My eyes were closed and refused to open, so I was stuck using my other senses to guess where I was; which wasn't very useful, as there was a ringing in my ears so hearing wasn't an option, and my limbs refused to move. I finally just tried using my sense of smell, which added to the silliness I was feeling. I smelled the distinct sent of disinfectant, so I immediately decided I was in the hospital, but why?

I racked my brain, trying to remember anything from the night before, but everything was a blur. I remembered going out to dinner with my mom... MOM!

My eyes shot open and I sat up, wincing as my ribs screamed in protest. My senses came flooding back to me, and I immediately preferred when I couldn't feel anything. My head was pounding and my arm felt like it had been ripped off and put back on backwards. The heart monitor increased went ballistic, and I could here the footsteps of the nurses rushing to get to my door as the ringing in my ears faded.

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