Not so happy campers

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We start with a wooden sign that has writing on it and has bugs flowing around with a man reading the sign

"This chapter Of TDI contains scenes of extreme stunts performed by teens. Do no not try any of these things at home, seriously you can get really messed up"

He said as it went to a black screen and then to the wilderness and show a man with a dark green collared shirt and some dark brown pants

"Yo we are coming at you live from camp wawanakwa (don't know how to spell it) some where in Miskoka Ontario. I'm your host Chris McLean, dropping Season one of one of the hottest Tv show, Right now!"

He said as the scene cuts to another setting, showing Chris McLean walking on the docks

Chris: "Here's the deal, we got twenty-eight campers that signed up coming here to this crummy old camp. They'll have to face each other in different challenges, then they will have to see the judgement of their fellow campers

Every two days they will win a reward, or will have to watch one of their team members walk the dock of shame and then on to the loser boat, and leave total drama island for good."

The scene cuts to showing him at a camp site with 14 seats in two rows

Chris: "Their fate will be decided here at the "Dramatic camp fire ceremony" where each week all but one camper will get marshmallows, in the end only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy fame and fortune...let's face it they probably will blow it in a week, to survive they'll have to battle flys, grizzly bears, disgusting camp food "Hey now" and each other"

Now it changes to a birds nest with a camera popping out

Chris: "Every moment will be caught with one of hundred cameras situated all over the camp"

Now the scene changes to him back on the docks

Chris: "Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out now on total...Drama...Island"

Dear mom and dad- yeah no that's somehow filler so we are gonna do it the lazy way and post a video of the song here

Now it goes back to Chris McLean still on the docks

Chris: "Welcome back to Total drama island, it's time to meet our first of twenty-eight campers, we told them that they will come to this five star resort, so if they look confused....That's probably why"

Scene cuts a to a girl that just came off of a yacht. She had light pink pants, a green shirt and a small green vest, she had braces and rectangle shaped glasses

Chris: "Beth, what's up?!"

He said as the girl left her bag and ran to Chris

Beth: "Wow it's so nice to finally meet you, wow your much shorter in real life"

She said running Chris's pride as he hates being called short

Chris: "....Thanks"

It's cuts to another scene with a tall man that had brown sandals and a dark brother shorts, and a green tight shirt, he hold two luggage's one black and one dark purple

Chris: "DJ!"

He said the said name walked over and dropped his bags and greeted him

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