Day Six - Snowbarry again

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Barry was on his way back home when he saw Caitlin on the sidewalk in front of him. She staggered a little and giggled when she almost fell. Caitlin left S.T.A.R. Labs earlier, because she needed – as she said – some time alone.

Barry stopped and walked up to her.

„What are you doing here?", he asked. She stared at him and giggled again.

„I could ask you the same.", she answered and babbled a bit. Barry sighed. She was definitely drunk.

„You said you needed some time alone.", he said reproachfully.

„I can do what I want!", she replied and almost fell again. „Whoops!"

Barry caught her and assisted her to stand.

„I'm an adult!", Caitlin added yet and leaned on him. Barry sighed again.

„Come on. We'll bring you home."

„But I don't want-"

Before she had the chance to end her sentence she stood in the middle of her bedroom, still leaning on Barry. Everything was spinning. She gulped.


„Everything alright?", Barry asked and helped her to her bed.

„Sure. I'm fine. Everything's fine.", she said and fell on her bed. „You didn't had to bring me here."

Barry raised an eyebrow while Caitlin fighted agains her high heels.

„Didn't seemed like you didn't need help."

„I'm totally fine.", Caitlin said again, finally defeated her shoes and crawled under the covers without changing clothes. She still wore a short, grey dress.

„Don't want to-", Barry began but Caitlin shoke her head. Barry sighed.

„Can I do anything else for you?"

„Stay with me.", Caitlin mumbled. Barry nodded and sat down the edge of the bed.

He watched her while she closed her eyes and fell asleep. He wondered why she was drunk. Did something happened? He sighed again. If something happened she wouldn't tell him so fast.

While he watched her, he realized how pretty she actually was when she was asleep. Her face was relaxed he even saw a little smile.

Yes, she was really pretty and even if Barry always had thought he loved Irirs, he knew that he had a... thing for Caitlin. He couldn't really say what it was but she made him happy. And he knew that it wasn't only friendship.

When he was sure that Caitlin slept, Barry stood up and walked towards the door. He looked back for a second, then he opened the door and left her bedroom. Time for him to go to sleep too.

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