Special Chapter: Aggresive Ladies

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A/N: okay so it has been several month after i update this and i've been busy with college right now. But that doesn't mean i left the story untouched. So in the meantime i've been creating some sort of smut chapter and testing out some new writing format. I think that's it so enjoy.


"Every man is a moon, there is a dark side" is quote coming from Mark Twain that is coincidentally in a book i recently read. That book has been lying on my desk and Belfast seems to thought that i was reading it. At first i didn't know what the quote is all about until that one fated night

It's saturday night and there is a storm that is raging outside. Multiple thunder and wind is howling that night. It is loud enough that i have to literally scream at someone, even though they are at arms reach.

"What a dreadfull storm out there" i said "yeah good thing that you put one of those sound proof window, just incase that something like this happen" one particular maid with a doll on her hand said. "Oh are you afraid Dido?" I ask.

She nodded, Dido has this obsession where she think that she's abandoned for some reason. That kinda makes sense since in real life just after the great war, she was stationed at Scapa Flow and forgotten until her scrapping few years after.

"But as long as you are here master i will not be afraid of anything" she said with a smile. Of course as a commander i need to make sure their morale is high so that they can fought effectively in battle and live a happy life. Seeing her smile like this i couldn't hold myself but to pinch her cheek and said "of course you are, now you can go to sleep an-" "but your work?" Cutting me off midsentence. "It's done Dido, now i need my little maid to go sleep so that she can help me the next day, do you understand that" i said while bopping her nose.

"Yes master, i will get a good sleep tonight and continue to support you tomorrow" she said excitedly. "Good girl, now goodnight Dido". Dido left the room while i still remain in the office. Come to think of it i haven't seen Enterprise today, i need to visit her but i didn't want to disturb her.

In the end i decided to go look for her in her dorm. But i've never been inside the dorm myself, because it's basically girls dormitory and getting inside here is like trespassing. But then i had full authority to go everywhere around the base, so i just sort of sneak around while looking for her room.

It's been 30 minutes and i still haven't found her room and wtf with this dark hallway. It's like a freaking horror game right now. Well if you think about it few Iron Blood ships live here and Roon is one of them. Ugh i think i'll just have to ask Belfast tomorrow morning. Just as i want to go back, i heard a noise.....well more like a moan of some sort.

I was following where the sound is coming from, it leads me to a room where it's half opened. Inside i can see something or rather someone. "Ahn~commander please give me your babies" she said while touching herself. Is that Enty?, By the gods is she masturbating!? While saying my name!!!. "Ugh~ commander why are you so insensitive, i make a move on you by showing my cleavage, my thigh and my butt. But you still didn't notice it!!!". Uh oh she is pissed.

"I mean why didn't you catch it commander?, I got the whole bakery down there but you still looking at other girls melon, but no longer. I have to go to your room right now and you will accept it no matter what". Crap she is looking for me, better hide in my safe room for a while.

Right let's back down......huh what the?. I feel something hard and cold on my hand and just as turn around i saw a pair of hands with steel gauntlet. I look up to see who it was and see dark purple eyes and white hair with maid headdress. She covers my mouth and then throw into Enty's room, she then proceed to lock the door. "Snooping around at night in the dorm is not appropriate, master" Belfast said. "Eh commander?!" Enty said shocked. "Ah i just want to make sure the girls are okay" i explained. But it looks like they are not buying it, and judging by their reaction i don't think i'll be going out of this without consequences. "Look i-i can give you holiday Belfast and for you Enty i will give you one of the top aircraft that is Akashi researching but please let this one slide" i bargain out of fear of my life.

"Oh an interesting proposition but sadly we'll have to deny that commander, we have been trying to appeal you," she said while undressing herself, while me a man is squirming in fear. "We've been making moves on you for the LAST 2 MONTH, and you went on and act like a pure man without lust in his head". Belfast said while also undressing but she pulls out a handcuff for some reason. "We've hit our limit so if it's the usual me i will follow your orders and stand down" Enty said with heart forming in her eyes. "But now it's different, we will violate you for the whole night and fortunately no one will hear your scream because the room is sound proof and there is a storm raging outside, so don't think you can escape this one dearly master". Belfast said that with a stern voice while handcuffing my hand on bed frames.

"Wait can we atleast do normal sex, please Belfast i beg you" i bargain my life with her. "Can't do master because we've been dying to do this since we know it" Belfast said while sniffing my neck. "Know what?" I said

"German style sex" both of them said that even though i can't see them properly i can see that they are grinning. "Wait no!!!, Not the German style!! NOT THE GERMAN STYLE!!!". One could be imagine what kind of stuff i go throught that night

Next morning i go to my room and goes to the bathroom. When i see myself on the mirror, i can see freaking bite marks all across my body. "Ugh how do i hide this from other girls" i said. And that night is the first time i experience something that would leave a permanent marks on my body, and of course it certainly wouldn't be the last.

Let me know if any of you guys want some more chapters like this and as always stay safe and be creative.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 15, 2022 ⏰

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