Titan profile

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Némésis Gojira (Godzilla earth)

Species: Ancient plant based lifeform

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Species: Ancient plant based lifeform

Age: undetermined

Gender: male

Weight: 100,000 metric tones

Height: 230meters (currently)

The Death Star
Son of Gaia
Titanus nèmèsis gojira
Herrscher of hakai
G.O.D(Gargantuan Omnipotent Deity)
Avatar of fear and destruction
Pinnacle of evolution
Primordial Extinction
Beginning of the end
King of earth
King of monsters
Beast of revelation
Bane of humanity
Ultimate lifeform
The monster who ended the previous civilizations

Personality: gojira is a aggressive being who destroys anything that threatens or harms the primordial force he calls his mother. He's very protective of her and will do anything to keep her safe, so unless reasoned with he won't stop until the deed is done.

It's also known that gojira can be a bit sadistic, often smiling at the destruction he brings upon humanity.

Despite his aggression gojira is normally a calm and gentle giant who takes long naps. He can get along with the other titans as long as they stay in line and don't bring unnecessary trouble.

A wise old man.


Nuclear/ Electromagnetic nature: gojira is capable of utilizing nuclear energy to a extreme extent. Whenever he uses his nuclear energy it circulates through his body at a accelerated rate becoming Cherenkov radiation and creating electromagnetic energy that cooperates with his metallic tissue. When used blue sparks of energy flash from his dorsal spines.

Partical heat ray: gojira weaponizes his atomic energy into a thin blue beam known as a heat ray, this heat ray is very powerful and destructive causing mass destruction when fired. The beam is powerful enough to even penetrate even the thickest of armour and defenses. Due to it's thin nature the beam is capable of pin point accuracy capable of sniping even airborne objects out of the sky. The beam doesn't fire out of his mouth but rather from his electromagnetic shield, when used it produces a EMP with a range of 300 kilometers frying any electric devices within range.

The range of this attack exceeds 1,800 kilometers.

Atomic star hakai ray: Gojira utilizes the atomic energy in his body to fire a violet-blue beam of atomic destruction from his mouth. This beam is far more more powerful than his normal particle heat ray and seemingly has almost limitless range. It's destructive capabilities allow it to cause explosions equivalent of mini nukes. This attack can be fired in rapid succession.

Scarlet spiral star hakai ray: a far more powerful version of the star ray with greater destructive capabilities. Gojira charges the energy in his body to critical levels until the color of his energy changes to a fiery crimson/scarlet color. It's sheer power can cause large scale nuclear explosion capable of wiping a large island off the map.

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