Chapter 6

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Nearly a week had passed already since Luo Binghe had joined him, yet he still hadn't touch what had happened. He could see sometimes it was on Binghe head, the man trying to hint towards a conversation, only to give up when Shen Yuan seemed to try changing the subject. Yet, he couldn't keep on running away and was now ready to try and explained, sitting at the table with his warm cup of tea, Luo Binghe already all ears to his story.

"Where do you want me to start?" he asked, not sure exactly how to start, especially since talking about Proud Immortal Demon Way was probably not the best starter either. "Why was Shizun suddenly gone?".

Of course, this would be one of his first questions. "Well, you understand that I am... theoretically not really Shen Qingqiu?" he started, gaining a nod from Luo Binghe to show he did understand that, hearing a whispered "Still my Shizun" at the same time, making him smile a little. "The only reason why I was to get to his body was because this one," he said while gesturing towards himself, "Was unconscious here, although I thought I had died" he explained, whispering more towards the end of his statement.

"Anyway," he said, cutting out his husband who probably was going to ask about that last part, "Am not sure what exactly if I can go into too much detail about it even here, but let say an entity of some sort was the one who did it". The last thing he wanted to know if he saw the system again was for it to try and punish him for something he did on his own turf, not under the System tyranny.

"When my body here started to wake up this entity felt it and threw me back here because I couldn't stay and leave my body here empty" he explained. From the look on Binghe's face, he could tell the man didn't like this entity he was talking about. "As this entity always bothered Shizun?" he then asked.

Shen Yuan seemed to hesitate this time, looking at his tea, before nodding. "Kind of, mostly telling me things I had to do, even if I didn't want these events to happen" he admitted, looking back at his husband who now looked as if something else had come to his mind, some hopefulness blooming in his eyes. Shen Yuan was able to imagine what were the situations he might be thinking about, but he didn't have the mental capacity at the moment to relive all those emotional moments with him.

Luo Binghe managed to caught into the fact he wouldn't be touching all these at the moment, maybe later when they would both be ready without breaking down. "Is this part of why Shizun seemed to know in advance about events, people and things?" he asked instead. It always had been a rather curious thing to him, for his Shizun to seemingly know the future in some parts. As if he had already read or heard about it somewhere.

"Parts of it is... many other are not," Shen Yuan said, trying to hide behind his fan as he tried to think about how to explain it to him without this sending his husband into an existential crisis. He closed his eyes, thinking of how to word it, before finally giving it a try. "I read about many of those events inside a book telling... your story, or rather, the story of those other Luo Binghe since I have... changed the course of events a lot".

He didn't receive any answer, making him feel a little anxious, looking back at the Demon Lord. The man seemed a little shocked, trying to process what he had just been told. "So this disciple is... from a novel?" he asked, only receiving a nod from Shen Yuan, although the man now seemed to think of something else. "Am not saying everything you know is made up, as all these other universes show that this was all... now real" he said, laying out his thoughts. It had been bothering him a little, not understanding how all this work. Was a "new universe" created every time a new book was created? Or was it only the System creating them somehow.

He didn't add more for now, letting the man digest the news, although his latest addition did seem to help a little. "Was the story good?" asked the Demon Lord, only to look pitiful when he saw the expression his Shizun did. Shen Yuan tried to hide it with his fan, not wanting for him to think it was because Luo Binghe's story was bad. "The book writing is bad, but! Luo Binghe has always been my favourite character in it" he said, happy to see how relieved this news made the man.

Luo Binghe was taking surprisingly well the news, but he supposed that if he was asking, he would receive an answer along the line of "I was able to meet this Shizun, the rest is not a problem".

"Was the story... the same as the event I saw when looking for you?" asked the demon, looking sad at the idea of it being it. Shen Yuan first only nodded, before replying "But like I said, the story is changed and you are a better Luo Binghe and none of them could replace you". This was reassuring enough for the Demon Lord, knowing that the story was fully altered to a point where what happened with the other them would never happen to them.

Luo Binghe then wanted to ask for the story's name, only for Shen Yuan to refuse firmly, even ignoring at his best capability the teary eyes the man was giving him. He instead compromised on giving him some plot point, living out most of the smut and irrelevant information. At the end of the day, Luo Binghe seemed to also agree that the story was better now and that he never wanted to ever turn like that Luo Binghe.

"When we get back home" he started, still wondering if it would happen, "Please keep this information to yourself". He didn't want for everyone to suddenly know about such a thing, especially since he supposed not all of them would react as well as his husband did.

"Can I tell about our time together here?" asked Binghe, as if he wanted to tell everyone about all the good times he had with his Shizun in another world. This made Shen Yuan smile softly, nodding "Of course, as long as you don't mention these last parts, you can tell about our time here". These seem to please Luo Binghe, clearly ready to talk about all the good time no one else would have with his husband but him.

Soon after finishing talking about it, Binghe went to pick him up, carrying him to the couch where he sat down, placing the smaller man in his laps. It wasn't long before Shen Yuan was embraced in a cocoon of warm arms, similar to when the Demon Lord was trying to calm him down. It's only then that he realised his own hands were slightly shaking, this conversation had put some stress on him as he wasn't sure how Luo Binghe would react.

"Is Shizun alright?" he heard whispered against his ear, making him hide even more against the other large chest. He really needed to quit whispering in his ears like that, this body was too weak to endure it well. "This Shizun was scared his husband would be distress by the new" he replied, wrapping his arms around him, "I would probably have been" he admitted. He hard a soft humming above him, making him look up at a smiling face.

"It is rather... interesting and shocking to know" admitted Binghe, "But this husband doesn't mind it, as long as Shizun is with him, he can accept anything". He was probably putting too much on Shen Yuan, really he couldn't be that great for him to accept so much. Yet, these thoughts were chased away by all the small kisses the Demon Lord was putting on his face, reminding Shen Yuan of how great he was finding him and that he was truly the only thing he needed.

"As long as Shizun is by my side, I don't care if we are from this world, a novel or a song" he gently whispered against his forehead, "I know everything will be alright if this husband of mine is by my side". Shen Yuan nearly wanted to cry, how did he manage to find someone that was loving him so much, ready to accept anything and everything as long as he was there?

He realised it was probably the same for him. Luo Binghe had become a source of comfort for him and only once he was back with him had he finally gotten better. Maybe he wasn't really one to talk.

But he didn't care. Whatever world or universe it was, as long as they were together, everything would be alright and they would always find home.

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