Outfit Choice

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Hi, I'm Y/n, and for the past six months I've lived with the turtles plus Casey, and as time passed, we grew better and stronger.
Donnie was better with his technique, Leo became little more serious with leadership, Mikey was good and used to his mystical abilities, and Raph? Well he became less stressed out.
Oh and Casey understood more things about New York some things I'd never knew about.
Last but not least me, I've been better using my bracelet, fighting skills, and lame catchphrases because of Leo lame jokes, also me and leo are in a relationship, which escalated pretty quickly, but I had to stay underground until this little situation was done, sadly it wasn't though.
My outfit? I looked amazing!~ 

(You get to choose which outfit and weapon you want)

Girl outfit: "I'm am a badass!"

Girl outfit: "I'm am a badass!"

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Sunshine Rottmnt Leo x Reader Hikayelerin yaşadığı yer. Şimdi keşfedin