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Elven Translation
Cowardly dog(s)

Feast of wolves (slain enemy)
Mereth en draugrim

Gate bird(slain enemy)

Go kiss an orc (my favorite!)
Auta miqula orqu

I hate you
Amin delotha lle

Listen to my laughter
Lasta lalaithamin

Much wind pours from your mouth
Antolle ulua sulrim

Son of snakes (dishonest person)
Utinu en lokirim

You are king in your imagination
Lle naa haran e' nausalle

You disgust me
Amin feuya ten' lle

You smell like a human
Lle holma ve' edan

You're ugly and your mother dresses you funny
Llie n'vanima ar' lle atara lanneina

Your head is empty
Dolle naa lost

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