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"Hey hot stuff wanna join?" Richie asks
"No I'm good" I say uncomfortably as the boys start playing loogie.
"Oh my god that was terrible I win" I hear Richie say
"You won!" Eddie says
"Yeah" Richie says in a duh voice
"Did you see my loogie" Eddie says
"It went that furthest" Richie says
"It's by distance" Richie says
"Mass, it's always been mass" Eddie says
"What-what is mass" Richie yells
"Who cares how far it goes" Eddie yells
"It matters on how cool it looks, if it's green, white or juicy and fat" Eddie says
"Ew!, what the fuck eds,just stop bickering" I say
"A-alright, whos going in first" bill says
"We'll go" me and bev say together as we get undressed,leaving us in our undergarments
"Sissies" she yells as we jump
"What the fuck!" I hear Richie yell
"Holy shit, we just got shown off by girls" Richie says
"Come on" bev says as Ben waves
"Come on, guys we don't have all day" I say as they jump
We all start splashing each other until I feel something under water

Then Richie comes up and yells
I was on Richie's shoulders, and bev was on bills while Ben was just watching, and Stan and Eddie are splashing each other "rich, I'm to heavy for you to carry" I whisper to him
"No you're not" he says
But I know I am, I then push bev off of bills shoulders
"We won" I shout

I start bursting out laughing
"Ben... You're.. Hair" I say in between laughs

"Something touched my foot" Richie says as bill swims over to us and goes under water"It's a turtle" I say as Ben goes back under

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"Something touched my foot" Richie says as bill swims over to us and goes under water
"It's a turtle" I say as Ben goes back under

Me and bev were sun tanning and bust a move was on, I felt eyes on us
"Bev, their watching" I whiper to her
"3...2...1.." She whispers as we look over, Ben, bill and Eddie was staring at bev while Stan and Richie were staring at me, then they look away acting like nothing happened
"News flash Ben, schools out for summa" Richie says in a British accent
"Oh that, that's not school stuff" Ben says
"Who sent you this" Richie says
"No one!" Ben shouts
"What's whith the history project?" Richie asks
"Oh, well, when I first moved here I didn't have anyone to hang out with some, I spent some time in the library" Ben said
"You went to the library, on purpose?" Richie asks
"I go to the library on purpose" I say
"Yeah but that's hot, because you're like a sexy librarian" Richie says with a smirk as I blush
"Oh, I wanna see" bev says changing the subject
As we walk up to them, I still beside Richie, and bev sits beside bill
"What's the black spot" Stan asks
"The black spot was a night club burnt down years ago by a rasit cult" I say proudly
"The what?" Stan asks
"Don't you watch Geraldo?" Eddie asks
"Y-y-you're h-hair" bill says slightly smiling
"It's beautiful bev" Ben says as bill tences up
"Oh, right, thanks" she says awkwardly tucking a piece of hair behind her ear
"Here, pass it" me and Richie say trying to change the subject
"Whys it all murders and missing kids" I ask taking a puff out of my inhaler as Richie buts a hand on my thigh causing my face to go red and get butterflies
"Derrys not like any town I've ever been before, they did a study once and turns out, people did or disappear six times the natural average" Ben says causing me to get over whelmed and take another puff,
"You, you read that" I say with a scared tone
"And thats just grown ups kids are way worse" Ben says causing me to drop my inhaler, and watch it as it breaks but no one saw except eddie, Eddie walks over to me
"We'll go to the pharmacy later okay?" He whispers to me
As I nod
"I got more stuff if you wanna see it" Ben says as me and Eddie shake our head as he gets 'yeah's' 'okay's' and 'sure's'

I will see you tomorrow :D

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