Chapter Two

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Mrs. Stonewall and her six friends, didnt seem to notice that Hannah was late. They were all gathered at a large terrace, and Hannah caught herself thinking, if she could catch a glimpse of Marshall from here. She quickly pushed the thought out of her mind, well aware that she would most likely never see him again. After all he was Eminem, and the chance of running into him at Starbucks was simply impossible.

There was seven mats ready on the terrace, so Hannah put down her own with her bag, and pulled out a pile of business cards. The studio she worked ins name, Entouch, was written on the blue front in silver letters. She held the cards in her hand, figuring out where to put them. She decided that the little "bar" arranged in one corner would be the perfect spot; the ladies would most definitely go there a couple a times each the next hour. She then approached the women. They were all glamorous, even in their workout clothes. One was wearing a big pair of sunglasses, and Hannah was sure they'd cost more than what she had paid for her car.
"Alright ladies," she said through a wide smile, "are you ready to do some yoga?" She tried to sound equally pumped and peaceful.
"Oh, Carrie," a blond woman with flawless skin said frowning, "You could at least had arranged for a male instructor." The other women burst out in laughter.
"Darling," Mrs. Stonewall said, "you know there is more to life than men."
"Yes," a black woman with long red curls bid in "Chardonnay and diamonds."
"I'll drink to that!" The blond woman said and they all took a big sip of their tall crystal glasses.
After a few more comments, Hannah was ready to begin her lesson. She started them of gentle with a sun salute and gracefully transisted them in to more advanced poses. She noticed how they were all watching each other while trying to push themselves to the breaking point. Not for the right reasons, but Hannah was just grateful for the absolute silence that had been cast over the terrace. The thing she loved most about the practice, was the way she felt part of something bigger, but that feeling could only be achieved if her surroundings would allow her. A terrace full of trophy wives was not somewhere she'd expected to find peace, but here she was, enjoying the session. She rounded off with a couple of breathing exercises, and as she sat across from the focused women in front of her, she couldn't help but picture them all with their glasses, slurping the alcohol while breathing excessively through their one too many times operated noses. She bit her tounge from trying not to laugh. He was a funny guy, that Marshall. And very easy to talk to. Very down to earth. Handsome too, she couldn't deny it, it was very hard to believe that he was pushing 50. All at once, it dawned on her, that what was actually hard to believe was, that she had just casually talked to him for like fifteen minutes, less than an hour ago. She'd met Eminem. A delayed feeling of starstruck made her eyes widen. With her mouth on autopilot, she thanked the women for their time and engagement. She shook hands with Mrs. Stonewall by the front door, and didn't notice the extra large tip there was handed to her. It took all strength in her, not to look in the direction of Marshalls house as she walked by, as casually as she could master.

Back in the car, she was humming a strange melody, almost sounding like a mantra. She kept repeating the same notes over and over again, up until she saw Manchester Estates gates close behind her.
"What the fuck!" She yelled and immediately called Lisa.
"Hey you, how was-" Hannah didn't let her finish.
"Lis, you'll never guess who I ran into!"
"Who?" Lisa said almost as excited as Hannah.
"Fucking Eminem."
"No way!" Lisa shouted in disbelief.
"Yes way!" Hannah said, "he was so nice, Lis, oh my God!"
"How did you- Where did you-" Lisa was struggling to find the words.
"He lives right next to that rich lady I had a session at. I got lost and he took me there."
"Oh my God, Han!"
"I know! I didn't even think about it before like ten minutes ago."
"What do you mean you didn't think about it?"
"I don't know," Hannah didn't really know what she meant, "I just- He was so normal."
"Right," Lisa said, but in an unsurden tone.
"I mean, we just talked, and I thought about the conversation, but until 20 minutes ago, I just thought about it like he was some guy," she paused, not entirely sure of what she was saying, "you know?" She ended it off with.
"Maybe, I don't know Han, I can't say that I have ever actually met Eminem."
"Well, fuck me," Hannah's smile almost reached her ears, "I have, and he's great."

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