Chapter 2: Grape Juice and Rants

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Picture of Jonas up there

Promised myself that I wouldn't use Paul be Paul Wesley guys


A lunch tray slammed down in from up me, my eyes travel up the arms to see a very pissed off Erica.

"Where the hell were you!?" I literally had to ask the lunch lady where you were sitting! The freaking lunch lady! Why the hell are you sitting out here!"

"Well hello to you too," I replied, my eyes returning to the Principles of Mathematics sheet in front of me.

"Why aren't you sitting with the group!" Erica exclaimed, before sighing dramatically.

"There could be a suprise quiz at any moment tomorrow, I'm not risking it, and I can't concentrate with the guys around. There too loud." I said shrugging.

"Well suck it up, because there no way in hell I'm gonna let you risk your reputation, and potentially mine," She growled out. " by sitting alone." She finished, crossing her arms.

I groaned, knowing she won. I collected my stuff, and set sail to the middle of the cafeteria.

The members of our little 'group' as we like to call it are 7 people including me and Erica.

There's Nisha, tall, smart ethic beauty. She has oh so long black hair that cascades down her back and is enrolled in too many extra curricular activities to count. Miss Perfect right there.

Oh, and she also plays the cello, much to her dismay. She claims it sounds too much like a suicidal bumble bee.

There Jasmines, the party girl, also the only girl to date almost all the guys on sports teams, including Quidditch. She doesn't judge.

While my perfect Saturday consists of me roaming around the house in my pjs, maybe binge-watching a show with 7 seasons. Her perfect Saturday consists of non-stop partying, till dawn.

The twins- Eli and Elliott, or as we like to call them the Toilet Trouble Twins (they'll never live that name down), the triple threat. The 'toilet' referring to The Great TP of 2014. Where every single toilet in the school was clogged due to the abnormal amount of toilet paper stuffed in there.

For me, quite disgusting. And how they got into the girls bathroom, I don't even know.

There's also Graymond, gay, smart, and a huge pain in my ass. He still hasn't got used to me hanging around here, and he doesn't even bother to hide it.

Theres Erica, practically the centre of our group. Like the sun, that the planets orbit around. Pretty, stubborn, and yes dreadfully melodramatic.

Then there's me, Avery. A compulsive organizational freak, a majority of the student population has already come to terms with me quote joining the gang only because they wager I'm not going to last long here. Before I was fully assimilated into the group, I began catch a pattern that happened regularly.

When a new member is added to a group that is said popular, people who are not said popular but want to be become said popular, will think that new member as a way of coming into the group as well. They will constantly hang around the new member, shower them with compliments, always urge to be hanging out with other members.

This happened to me at least 3-7 times.

Don't get me wrong, my self esteem won't mind a few compliments, hell, they welcome it. But after a while, you began to realize that they only view you as a tool. Something to get from one place to another.

It sad how me and Shanice would've done the same before that happened.

I interrupt my train of thought when I felt something cool splash across my chest. I looked down slowly, afraid of what I might see.

Grape juice stain. Freaking grape juice stain.

I look up, ready to bite the head off of my attacker. The words just at the tip of my tongue, ready to lash out at any second. But the moment I saw him, my mouth went dry.

Jonas Adams. The Jonas Adams.

My mouth kept opening and closing, I felt like a fish. Everyone in the cafeteria went silent, and all eyes were on me, on us.

I felt like I needed to say something, but unluckily someone else did.

"What the hell!" Erica screamed, glare directed exactly at Jonas. If looks could kill, he'd be eight feet under.

Jonas, not at all dazed by this, responded smoothly.

"I'm sorry, are you allergic?"

"No bu-"

"Whew, I thought it was something serious for a second. Your expression was way too exaggerated, it confused me." He mused, before turning on his heel and walking away but not before leaving his juice box on a bystander's tray.

I turned to where Erica stood, she was frozen, half in fury and half in shock, I couldn't help but think back to how complex his eyes were. What colour were they? Green, blue or grey?

Erica looked like she was about to explode, the vein in her forehead sticking out.

Before I could calm her down, I felt two pairs of arms grab me. I turned around and saw the concerned faces of Nisha and Jasmine.

"Are you ok?"

"Are you hurt?"

"Is Erica ok?""

"Erica looks like she's gonna kill someone..."

I chuckled at the last part.

"I'm fine guys, it's just a stain," I said, looking back down at the damage.

Why Grape Juice, out of everything?


I pressed a damp paper towel against the stain. The coolness of it sent a shiver down my spine, and goosebumps up my arm.

I looked up to see a mad, and pacing Erica.

"Who the hell does he think he is?" Erica yelled, frustrated. Nisha sighed sitting on the counter by the sink, and Jasmine just watched as Erica paced.

The girls bathroom wasn't the best idea to have a meet up, but it provides damn good privacy.

A few freshman girls, giggling might I add, came through the door but stopped in their tracks when they saw Erica.

"Leave!" She yelled, turning to face them. The giggles stopped, as they turned on their heel, and ran out the door.

When she heard the satisfying sound of the door closed, Erica continued on with her rant.

"That boy has a death wish! And he didn't even apologize to Avery! No! What did she get? 'Your expression was exaggerated and it confused me' " Erica mimicked in a dumb voice. " He didn't speak for a f~cking year and the first words he says are some smartass comment! And he looked like he freakin' meant it!"

Erica continued to pace, and aside from the occasional nod from Nisha and encouragement from Jasmine, Erica continued her rant and continued asking rhetorical questions that besmirched Jonas's intelligence from Erica's point. 

Was it bad I found this whole ordeal laughable? I fine the oddities of Jonas to be intriguing, but I am surprised. Out of all things why grape juice? .

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 17, 2016 ⏰

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