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In the Great Hall the students and staff where having a nice Friday eating dinner till the door burst open revealing

The Malfoy's- Narcissa and Lucius

The Weasley's- Molly and Arthur along with the already graduated Bill, Charlie, and percy

Ministry Workers- head of DMLE Amelia Bones, Minister of Magic Cornelius fudge,

Auror; Kingsley Shacklebolt and Alastor Moody

The Lupin- Blacks, And Tonks- Remus and his now husband Srius who was freed from the allegations of the potters death just a few months back. as well as Sriuis' niece Tonks

All looking confused, the weasleys rush to the table in red opting to see what's wrong with the kids, or in Molly's case see if the twins caused the problem and to yell at them.

Remus and Sirius were walking to the yellow table to see Alpine and give her a hug while making sure she's alright before telling her they will check on Harry and when she can to join them.

the ministry workers all going to Dumbledore to see why they are there who also had no idea.

Suddenly a small but bright Blue ish portal opened in front of Minnie with a note pushed through it. She checks it for anything harmful then opens it to read it out.

Dear wizards and witches

You will be watching a series of future memories of the child who lived. More guests from the future will be joining soon. Not everything is how it seems. Only a few will be able to use magic from here on out, time has been frozen outside this hall and everything will be provided for your needs.

Mischief Managed
M. T. H.

Suddenly 6 visible people appeared out of a portal. They all seemed to be 30-40 years of age but one looked to be 16 or 17.

"Five, what did you do?" they all yelled. Most of the hall confused on why they would call him a number

"Uh, is it just me or are there people pointing sticks at us?" a clearly not sober man exclaimed to the other new arrivals. At this they all looked around to see it was in fact true.

"Hello you must be the guest the letter ment" a kind lady from the front table said and walked to hand them the letter.

"I have other important things to do" the kid of the group said before his hands seemed to glow blue but nothing else happened making him look confused, and adorable in ash's opinion.

"Well since we are stuck here might as well do as the letter says. Hi im alison hargreaves" the curly haired woman introduces herself

"Luther hargreaves" the buffy blond said

"Diego" the man with knife said

"What up im klaus the fun hargreaves and that's benny boo" he said then waved over at nothing before sending an air kiss that way too.

"Hello im vanya" the shy looking girl said

The annoyed boy was left looking up to fully look at the place he first noticed that is place had to be a school with that many kids. The next was the way they were all separated by the colors red blue green and yellow, the last thing he saw was the pretty brunette in yellow with gray almost blue eyes they sent electricity through him. "Five hargreaves" he rolled his eyes while saying it.

With them introduced the tables all turned into couches while the girl walked to some people in red before changing directions to where the new people are more specifically the lady standing by them that had the letter.

"Professor Minnie, is it possible that we could have some time to get into more comfortable clothes and anything else we may want from our dorms?" the girl asked the lady, minnie. "Ms. potter what have i told you about calling me that"

"Not too" she gave a mischievous smile that made the prof sign with a small sad smile and glassy eyes.

"Yes ms. Potter, I will tell everyone now "  ''Professor minnie what have i told you about calling me that" the girl mockely scolded. "Ally go" was all the teacher said before the girl, Ally, went skipping out the doors. After that the students all went to change and prepare for what they will watch.

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