'Tom Holland.'

13 0 12

(A/n: I assure you guys, this chapter is longer then the rest of them. *Of this book* Please enjoy my cringey writing. It took a whole day to write.)

Next Wednesday...

"Thanks for driving me to the airport Mad's." I thank my best friend, who I'm lucky to be able to have, for things like this.

"No problem Y/n. Good luck! Avoid the paparazzi." She warns me.

"I will! Bye!" I hug her.

"Bye bestie." We pull away, and smile.

I wave, as I walk away, and my little suitcase, follows behind.

I look forward, and I head to where you drop off your suitcase.

I wait in line, with my baseball hat on, and sunglasses inside.

It was my disguise. A great one right?

It was enough, and that's all that matters.

When I got closer to the front, I pull up the email I got with instructions, and plane ticket, and I press the link.

The link takes me to the plane company's website, bringing up the barcode to scan my ticket.

When the person in front of me left, I waited until I was called over.

"Hello, can you bring up your ticket?" The worker asked.

I pull my phone up to her scanner, and he scans the barcode.

"Alright, Ms.....Y/n Y/l/n?...the Y/n?"

I nod politely, and he smiles.

"Pleasure to meet you." He sweetly says.

He handles my luggage, and after getting my ticket printed out, I head to TSA.

Anddddddddd...that's where I was exposed tot he public.

The paparazzi found me.

I groan in frustration.

The security took me to a closed line, as I took off my stuff in a more private area, the paparazzi tried to take pictures through the glass.

I put my stuff back on, and I try my best to blend in with the crowd.

Then when I get to my gate, I sat down with my hat covering my face.

The paparazzi found me once more, until security ushered them out.

A couple fans asked for pictures, I didn't mind it too much. I had nothing to do. While I waited, I read through my entering instructions for when I got to the 'Wired' studio.

I read it privately, and called my parents afterwards.

"Hey mom! I'm about to board a plane. I wanted to call, cause I haven't called in a while." I awkwardly started.

"Hey sweetie! Missed you!" My mom excitedly tells me.

"Missed you too mom, what's up? What's the you doing? I'm bored."

"Why are you boarding a plane?" She asks curiously.

"It's a secret. I can't say anything, cause the public can't know yet. I'll share it later." I explain.

She hums in response.

"Paparazzi find you?" She guesses.

"Paparazzi hit me up. Yep." I reply, half sighing.

"So your flying public?" She questions.

"Yeah, I don't mind it."

"Any information you CAN say?" She desperately tries to get answers out of me.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 05, 2022 ⏰

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