Chapter four: tragic love.

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Recommended song for this chapter. For the ending.

Tw: seeing ghost / tragic death / failed childhood love.

1st POV.

The aching pain in my neck still hurts but not enough for me to not help finn try to escape. We were currently sitting in silence when the door opened. We didn't have anything to say to each other. We're both going through so much it was hard to talk.

"I'm starving." Finn told the grabber.

"What's your names's?" The grabber asked ignoring finn.

"Why do you care?" I asked.

"I usually don't. I find out eventually in the paper, they always print a nice big photo, with all the details I could ever want. All the things you boys lie about."

"What's different this time?" Finn asked.

"Oh.. oh, it's complicated. It's too complicated.. everything's different. Nothings going right."

"You could let us go, or just y/n. I swear we won't tell anyone, just drop us or y/n off somewhere and take me please." Finn begged. I honestly felt happy that Finn was going to risk his life for me but at the same time I don't want him to.

"I'll think about it." The grabber sighed, his mask moved as he spoke.

"Promise we won't tell anyone. Blind fold us, drop us off on a random street. We will walk straight home." I insisted. Will he really let us go?

"Well, tell me your name's." The grabber coo'd.

"Taylor." Finn gulped. I knew Finn was being stupid. He said earlier he'd see our names in the newspaper so why is he lying about his name?

The grabber looked mad and he was grabbing the tray tighter.

"Uh! He's joking." I faked a small laugh. "His name is finn and mines y/n."

Finn looked at me, confused. I know he's wondering why I'm being honest but he needs to trust me.

The grabber gently placed the tray on the floor and walked over to me handing me a newspaper before speaking. "I'm really starting to like you y/n. I might let you guys go"

We hurried to open the paper, an big image of our faces and our house were plastered on it, with the words. Two kids missing at the same time?

He closed the door and headed up the stairs. Leaving the tray on the ground.

Me and Finn walked towards the plates and began eating as much as we could. Even though the eggs were halfway cooked and cold and had the dirt from my nails on it I couldn't stop eating. Finn couldn't either. We needed everything we could get.


I was playing with Finn's toy rocket, spinning it around my finger with the flashlight on. Finn was just watching, bored and tired. We were both sitting on the rusted bed. My eyes followed the light of the rocket.

I let out a gasp at the sight of an upside child dripping blood onto the floor.

"FINN!" I yelled still pointing the flashlight at the child.

"What? What!" Finn worriedly asked.

"Do you see that? The boy! That dead kid flying?!" I asked my heard pounding against my chest. I know I saw a ghost before that Finn couldn't see but this ghost looked fresh out a horror movie.

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