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The Chuunin Exam seemed to have taken a break, and it became a camping trip just like the one Sakura's mother didn't let her go on when she was younger. Ino, Chouji, and Shikamaru hung around after the rest left. They were given the scroll from the Sound team since they were fighting as well. Given the state of her ankle, Sakura was pretty much stuck with Ino while Chouji and Shikamaru went fishing at the stream.

She hadn't hung out with Ino like this for a long time. It felt like a lifetime ago that they decided to grow their hair and became rivals for Sasuke-kun's affection. Ino had been pretty hostile towards her when she learned that Sakura and Sasuke were on the same team. Well, Sakura might have bragged about it, too. Given their hostility, she was surprised at how their dynamic just got back to where it was years earlier, or how easily she could still read her friend.

Like then, Sakura could tell simply just by looking at her that she was planning something. "Whatever you're thinking, don't do it, Ino-pig," she said as she observed a rather sinister smile on her friend's face. "Sasuke-kun is tired already."

"Oh, Sakura. Like I would do anything against his wish. I was only thinking of a good night kiss, that's all," Ino replied and giggled. Previously, Sakura would have screamed at her friend saying that Sasuke was hers so Ino could back off, but right then she just sighed. The lack of heated response seemed to alarm Ino. "What happened?" she asked. "Did Sasuke-kun do something?"

Sakura didn't know what to say. It was not that she had given up on Sasuke entirely. After months of being his teammate, she had a distinct impression that Sasuke would never look at her the way she wanted. "I'm just thinking that I should give this Sasuke-kun-thing a break. I've been obsessed with him for way too long, I think. Right now I... Well, knowing him as I do sort of changes things."

"Wait, what, what, what!? Hold on. Are you saying Sasuke-kun has some disturbing, deep, dark secret quirk that put you off?" Ino asked. Sakura pouted. "Oh, c'mon, Sakura! Give your girlfriend all the juicy bits already."

"Well," Sakura started, "I'm not entirely sure if Sasuke-kun is into this kind of thing."

Ino paused, then shrieked, "What!? He's gay?"

"No! Shut up, Ino! He just never looks at any girl or guy at all! Like they don't register with him!" Well, maybe except one, and Sasuke denied everything so Sakura was going to accept that answer for the time being.

"Maybe he's just a late bloomer," Ino said. She nodded to herself like she was convinced her answer was correct.

"Yeah, maybe," Sakura said and sighed again. "It's not like I don't like him anymore, you know. I'm just...well, there are moments where I wasn't even sure who I was looking at."

Ino gave her a thoughtful look. "You mean, he's not like who you imagined?" she asked.

"Yeah," Sakura replied. "He can be so mean and so annoying sometimes. He doesn't listen to anybody and basically thinks we're worthless. Then there were moments when he was actually very thoughtful and kinda sweet." She shrugged. "He's more complicated than I thought, I guess."

Ino whistled. "Yeah, I can sort of see that. Back in the Academy, he was this aloof and cool guy who didn't talk to or befriend anybody. And look at him now, running off after Naruto like that. I wouldn't have thought that kind of thing could happen."

That made Sakura's heart sank a little. "Yeah," she said, pulling her knees to her chin.

Ino looked at her with concern. "What is it?" she asked.

"Ah, nothing. I'm just worried about Naruto," she replied.

Ino raised an eyebrow. "So... close proximity makes the heart grow fonder?" she teased.

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