His Arrival

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-with xeno and Asriel-

Asriel: we went a bit far yknow

Xeno: yea yea I know but we can fix it and we get a higher gravity to use!

*a beam lands in front of them revealing a badly hurt ink and error holding him*

Xeno: what the hell happened?!

Error: he almost here we tried our best to hold him off

*another light appears revealing Zell and ghost*

Zell: we weren't ready for him yet!

*more lights appear as it reveals many more aus here to help and og sans appears with frisk Chara and betty*

Asriel: you gotta stay focused xeno we got this

Xeno: yea...

*a blue beam hits the ground revealing error 404*
(He looks like this)

*a blue beam hits the ground revealing error 404*(He looks like this)

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404: where is he!

Xeno: I'm right here

*xeno and 404 walk up to see each other face to face with 404 being a bit taller than xeno*

404: I'll ask this one time give me the soul or I'll take it by force

Xeno: try me

404: at least I tried

*404 wraps xeno in blue string and trys to take his soul but og sans stops him by hitting him with a blaster*

Xeno: thanks sans

Sans: np kid now let's get him

*all the other sans charge up their blasters but when the smoke clears to see 404 he's standing with 3 other people and they were gaster x gaster and w.d. gaster

Xeno: I'll get 404 you guys handle the gasters

Sans: try not to mess up kid

*xeno dashes and kicks 404 across the jaw sending him flying as they start they're fight xeno is dodging bones and blasters left and right while throwing white fire balls but he makes an idea*

404: this is where you die!

Xeno: nope your wrong take this

*xeno tries to punch him across the face but was impaled in the leg by a sharp bone then being hit with a blaster*

404: let's show them true dispare give them now!

*the gasters gave him their souls and he fused with them and became virus 404*

*the gasters gave him their souls and he fused with them and became virus 404*(Looks)

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