The Truth

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When I first started writing, all the odds were against me. First, my regular school exams coming up, I was  working and i had to keep up with my family. My first book "Dreams in the Sky" is based on everything I have ever day dreamt about. I have always known that I wanted to be a star and I was willing to do whatever it took to get there.
All my life has been spent watching other people live my dream, I would constantly watch teen influencers and wish I was them, I kept telling myself that "this kids did something to get to where they were" but I had nothing to go with. Most people go into singing or dancing (or both) but I couldn't, i was constantly told in high school that my voice was terrible and that I wasn't a good dancer. I remember we would have dance contests and I will learn the entire choreography but they didn't let me participate because they thought I was too stiff.
Every time I got excited and started researching dance auditions and all I will remember those saying and close my search tab. One day, I sat in my store, day dreaming like I usually do, and that's when the idea of writing a book came to me. At first I wrote it on a piece of paper cause I had no book with me at work and at the time I didn't have a phone, so it was extremely difficult to get inspiration, but I thank God for that because not having a phone helped me concentrate on my self and not spend time on wishful thinking.
Since my workspace wasn't encouraging at all, I basically wrote my book off of real life occurrences and things I really wanted for myself. To me writing was the beat way of expressing myself without being judged. A couple months passed and dreams in the sky was completed, I had finished writing it in one of my note book, and I remember I will go to the cafe to pay to use their systems to type my book.
After my book was fully typed, God made a way for me and a customer took interest in the book and wanted to publish it, he went as far as giving me 3 compiled copies for preview. After I was through making corrections, I was to return them back to him, but unfortunately I got news that he passed away. My heart sank,  I was so lost, it felt like everything in my life at the time was going south, because I failed my entrance examination,  and I got rejected from a series movie I auditioned for, my whole life was falling apart. I cried nonstop for several days, but not knowing what to do, I had no support system, my friends and families thought I was wasting my time. According to them, it was a phase that was going to pass. Every one I met for advice told me to take it slow and basically WAIT, but what for? I thought. I was sick of getting told to wait, besides, I was already waiting for college admissions and it was getting to me.
Along the line, I met a friend who told me about some self publishing sites and apps and that's how I found wattpad, I started uploading my books and slowly building a fan base, I still couldn't fully keep track of my work cause I didn't have a phone but I was okay with the progress I was making.
A couple days later, my first book was completely uploaded and I was happy,  my friend and i managed to continue to publish a hard copy of the book and we sold it to walk in customers. Today i am still looking for movie auditions but i starred in a local commercial,  my book is on wattpad, the hard copy of my book is sold out and I am currently working on a song. Thank you wattpad for showing up at my lowest point in life. #partnertrack

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