Chapter 6 : Karina

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Winter breathes into Karina's mouth, fingertips digging into the fabric of Karina's shirt. Her eyes are clenched shut as she tells herself this is what she wants. She wants Karina. She wants Karina to kiss her. She wants this.

Somewhere in the back of her mind she hears a voice telling her that they need to talk, but it's hard to be reasonable with Karina's knee pressing between her thighs; Karina's hands pushing her back by her shoulders until her back hits the bedroom wall.

"Kar-" she tries, weakly-torn between wanting Karina's lips to stay right where they are, and wanting them to say words and talk about feelings.

But, "Shh. It's okay. No talking." Karina shoves Winter back against the wall, harshly like she's trying to hurt her. And Winter lets her, drunk on the taste of Karina's lips.

At least Karina isn't running away anymore.

When Winter gets to their usual lunch table, Karina and Ryujin are laughing at something on Karina's phone. They don't really acknowledge Winter's arrival with more than a glance her way, and Winter suppresses a sigh as she sits down on the opposite side of the table.

She tries not to stare at Karina, tries not to think about the way it felt to have her hands tangled with her hair the other night, but her eyes inevitably end up on Karina's face anyway. Karina's too beautiful not to look at.

"Try being more subtle next time," Yeji whispers in her ear, sliding into the seat on Winter's left.

Winter looks up and attempts to roll her eyes convincingly. "I wasn't-I mean, I was staring into space. Not-you know."

"Sure," Yeji says.

"Seriously," Winter exclaims, right before realizing she said that too loud, causing everyone at their table to turn and look at her for a moment.

"I totally believe you, whatever Yeji's up your ass about," Ningning says, dropping her bag on the floor. "What is Yeji up your ass about?"

"Everything. I'm never good enough for her," Winter replies, as casually as possible. She's highly aware of the way Karina's gaze shifts between Winter and Yeji for a moment, but she decides to ignore it. If Karina wants to know, she'll ask later. (She already knows Karina won't ask, because asking means talking, and Karina doesn't like talking.)

"That's not true," Yeji protests, but Ningning looks at her skeptically.

"That's plausible," she decides, playfully flipping off Yeji. "I'm Team Winter."

Winter high fives her. "You have a free period after this, too, right?" She pulls out her phone to check her text messages. "Someone did, anyway."

"Yeah, that was me," Ningning nods. "Glad to hear I'm so memorable. Maybe I'll join Team Yeji instead."

Yeji whoops, looking up from her own phone with a grin. She holds up her fist for Ningning to fist bump her, almost punching Winter's eye in the process. Winter leans back to let her friends be idiots together, before turning her attention back to Ningning.

"How's Gi? She sent me a bunch of pictures yesterday, but they were all blurry, and I'm pretty sure she was drunk."

Ningning's eyes somehow manage to light up and turn a little sad at the same time. "Yup, she was definitely drunk. She went to visit Yujin in college, because apparently she needs more experiences to write songs about, or something. College parties are an obvious requirement."


"No, but she's good. Enjoying her freedom for as long as it lasts, because next week she has to start her new job at some diner. Neither of us is really looking forward to it, but at least she'll be able to take me out on fancy dates with all the money she'll be earning." Ningning shrugs. "I said we'd all come into the diner when she has to work and we'll be obnoxious customers."

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