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Dread. The word was not even near to what Taehyung felt. His eyes were fixed on the gut wrenching sight before him. His clammy hands secured around the baby bump. The ghastly view of the dark red blood twisted his guts, snapping him out of his daze. He stood up and ran to the bathroom. Kneeling down he emptied out the contents of his stomach while Somi rubbed his back gently in soothing circles. A sob escaped his mouth as the weight of the situation settled on him.

Once done he got up in haste and cleaned his mouth before scurring outside again. The tears were still there but Taehyung didn't care about them. "Go to the forest and bring them all back. Tell them that it is a trap." He instructed the first guard he saw on the way. Then turning around he walked up the stairs and jogged his way to the play room with Somi flowing behind him in concern.

"Soobin." The omega called out opening the door with a loud thud. "Eomma? What's wrong? Why are you crying?" The little one came forward. His eyesbrows furrowed with the worry he felt. Taehyung did not waste even a second after that. He at once took the child in his embrace and kissed his forehead. "Stay next to me. You understand that?" He said earning a quiet nod from Soobin.

"Tae don't panic so much. You're taking a lot of stress. Someone might have just played a prank on you and if not then we'll find out who did this. Just stop stress........" But the words were left unsaid when the omega burst out. "I SAW IT. I saw a vision Noona. They will attack us. Eun-hi and her accomplice." The women stilled hearing those words. Her breathing getting heavier with each passing second.

"H...How? That box is not something precious? Why would it show you a vision?" She asked confused. Taehyung just shook his head in response as he glanced at the kids in the room. Their scared eyes urging him to get a hold of himself. He took in a deep breath to calm his racing heart down and said. "I don't know how I saw that. There is a lot about my ability that I'm unaware of but if I've seen that vision then it means that fate wanted to show the possible future to me. We can prevent something drastic from happening if we act now Noona. Let's quickly do something."

Somi moved her head in agreement. Her eyes shining with determination. "Yes. Let's go." She said and then both of them scurried outside with the kids following behind. Just when they were near the stairs they saw the two elderly couples coming inside while laughing together. Their innocent selves unaware of the coming danger.

"Tae. Somi. We are back. The walk was amazing. It's been so long since I enjoyed so much." Jaehwan said grinning but soon enough frowned when he smelled the distressed scents of the two. "What's wrong Tae? Are you in pain?" Ae-cha asked stepping towards them. The four now looking at each other with furrowed brows. "Kids what's wrong? You both are scaring us now?" Jiha urged. Her heartbeat turning erratic.

"Eomma I saw a vision. We'll be attacked soon." The words were like an explosion to the elderly couples. Their eyes widened in surprise. "N....No. This c...can't be h....happening." Jiha stuttered. Her steps faltering in the process. "We just found each other. My son just got his happiness. Then why? Why again?" The women burst out crying. Her heart feeling heavy with the possibility of the danger lurking around them. She was still traumatised by her past and even the thought of another attack was unbearable to her.

"Calm down everyone. We don't have time to panic now. Jayhyun and Jungkook are not here so we have to take the situation in our hands." Somi declared with resolution in her every word. She was scared but she couldn't show it. She was the Luna afterall. Everyone was looking up-to her. So closing her eyes she breathed in and out giving herself a mental pat on the back. You can do this. Her mind said and she slowly opened her eyes.

"Guards!" The woman called out sternly and in seconds there was a group of trained protectors standing around them. "Secure all the entrance to the pack house. Inform the borders about an attack as discretely as possible. Make sure that all children, omegas and old people are inside the safe house with a good protection around them. Get all other guards ready and do not waste even a single second. We have to protect our pack."

Each and every word that came out of her mouth held confidence and power. Hearing her the fighters bowed once before running away to carry out their Luna's orders. "Now for the pack house. What should we do Appa?" She asked turning towards Jeahwan once the guards had left. Her entire being looking for some guidance.

"First of all everyone of us should carry something to protect ourselves just in case. Everyone who is inside should remain here itself because running around and panicking will not help at all. Also let's look for the safest place for these children and Taehyung and then we can think about the rest." The man said earning a nod from the other's surrounding him.

Taehyung wanted to protest though but he kept his mouth shut. You are pregnant for god's sake Taehyung. Fighting is not in the options. It's best to stay with the children. This way you can make sure that bun and these kids are safe. He thought to himself. His arms bringing Soobin closer than before.

"We should........." He wanted to say more but a sudden defeaning blast ceased all his words. Everyone froze in place. Their eyes widening in horror when the front door fell open and loud footsteps started echoing in the air. Taehyung quickly hid Soobin behind himself when an unknown man entered inside. His stomach twisting from fear when that heavy and rough voice reached his ears.

"Let's have some fun. Shall we?"


So how should the ending be like? Should I........... ;-)

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